Shilah Snead High School Student Drivers
What is distracted driving? driving a vehicle while engaging in another activity Can fall under 3 different categories: Visual – taking your eyes off the road Manual – taking your hands off the wheel Cognitive – taking your mind off what you are doing
Activities that can be distractive Using a cellphone Eating/drinking Reading Changing the radio station Doing makeup/hair Talking to passengers in the car
Statistics 60% of drivers admit to using a cell phone while driving In 2012, 3,328 people were killed and 421,000 people were injured in accidents involving distracted drivers 1 out of 5 young drivers think texting doesn’t effect their driving performance Texting increases your crash risk to 23% more than when not distracted
More Statistics 42% of young adult drivers are very/somewhat confident that they can safely text while driving 71% of teens and young people say they have composed/sent SMS messages while driving Driver distraction is a factor in about 4 million motor vehicle crashes in North America each year
4.6 seconds of texting while driving 55 mph is equal to driving the length of a… Just Imagine:
It can happen to anyone at anytime.
New Jersey State Rules: Handheld ban for all drivers Ban on all cell phone use (handheld and hands-free) for bus drivers Ban on all cell phone use (handheld and hands-free) for novice drivers Ban on texting for all drivers Note: New Jersey defines novice drivers as those under the age of 21 with a GDL or a provisional license.
Amanda’s Story
Countless lives that were lost
#1: Drivers are able to multitask while driving without being distracted.
#2: Hands-free devices eliminate the danger of cell phone use during driving.
#3: Five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while driving.
Are you ready to make a commitment to both yourself and the other drivers on the road to be a safe driver?
Take the Pledge What you are pledging to do: Protect lives Be a good passenger and speak out Encourage others to drive safely
Sources laws.html laws.html