Elisa Rapisarda, CERN, PH Division CERN ISOLDE The Isotopes Separator Online DEvice Elisa Rapisarda, CERN, PH Division
The Nuclear Chart periodic stable b+ decay b- decay decay p decay 82 50 20 126 28 8 system periodic stable b+ decay b- decay decay p decay fission predicted Closed Shells atoms: noble gas nuclei: magic numbers 8
Production of Radioactive Ion beams Nuclear Reaction: proton (1.4 GeV) + 238U (1012 atomen per seconde) Purification: Separation in mass number (A) Separation in proton numbers/ element (Z): lasers Transport of the ion beam (sometimes 1 atom per second) to the measurement setup Acceleration in order to induce a new Nuclear Reaction 126 82 50 50 20 28 8 28 20 8
ISOLDE @ CERN It all starts with a bottle of hydrogen …
ISOLDE @ CERN … followed by the LINAC2 …
ISOLDE @ CERN … and the 4 rings of the PSBooster
ISOLDE targets Service Robots
ISOLDE target In position
ISOLDE target Proton on target or on the neutron converter
Research with Radioactive Beams Why? cosmology Existence of the elements Particle physics (standaard model) Astrophysics 0=>1028 cm Oerknal 1022 cm Sterrenstelsels Quarks, leptonen <10-19 cm 1018 cm Supernova Hadronen <10-13 cm 1011 cm De zon Energy Kernen <10-12 cm Nuclear Physics 106 cm AMS in het klimaat 102 cm Geneeskunde Gevangen atomen 10-8 cm 10-3 cm Gemerkte cel Kanalisatie 10-7 cm Climate atomic Physics v Medicine Solid State Physics Biology
CERN ISOLDE Isotope Separator On-Line DEvice MEDICIS WITCH: Laser spectroscopie Collaps - CRIS HIE-ISOLDE-acceleration (REX) MINIBALL WITCH: fundamental interaction Solid State Research MEDICIS IDS: Decay study
Courtesy of T.E.Cocolios -spectroscopy: Previuos Experimental Setup Courtesy of T.E.Cocolios Annular Si Si pure 30 keV Tl beam from RILIS+ISOLDE Intensity = 104 pps C-foils 20 mg/cm2 Si detectors Si Annular Si ff a 30 keV beam from ISOLDE C-foil Ge detector #1 Windmill Chamber
Possible Projects Installation of the apparatus started in Feb 2014 Beam line modification is going on; AUTOCAD technical drawing of the new beam line and the experimental area Beam optical simulations of the latest part of the beam line (Switchyard + three quadrupoles) (MADX and Simion software) Ongoing work in coming months: Install detectors frame (hands on) Install an automatic Refill system of Liquid Nitrogen for the Germanium detectors (hands on) Test Germanium detectors (set up a simple 1-channel data acquition system) Commission Tape station and ancillary detectors (hands on) Team: you will join a small group of 3 to 5 persons (locally 2 Senior Post-Doc, 1 PhD student) goal: be ready for first decay experiment end July 2014