Photonic Integration Training Columbia University, NYC Oct , 2015
Photonic Integration is now breaking through PICs are increasingly made in outside foundries This is similar to electronic ICs Value chain also includes packaging, design S/W, brokers, etc Training is best vehicle to learn complex value chain Design software simply needs to be tried hands-on Few unique aspects about this training: Covers all key material systems, supported by 9 foundries Have over 15 sponsors: 29 trainees with 24 trainers Focus on business/market topics in addition to technical detail Pay special attention to networking Why Is Training so Critical for PICs? 15-sep-15p1Lightwave PIC Webinar
Special Thanks Goes to our Host! 15-sep-15p2Lightwave PIC Webinar Dept of EE, Columbia University has provided enormous support Prof. Keren Bergman Ms. Jessica Rodriguez As well as many others… Training organized by 7 Pennies. In case of any questions, please contact: Isobel Hoevers (logistics): , Gary Weiner (IT): , Erik Pennings (program): ,
Foundries InP Silicon Photonics TriPleX Design software Packaging Design houses Organization: Training Supported by Broad Group 15-sep-15p3Lightwave PIC Webinar AIM Photonics
PIC Training Program 15-sep-15Lightwave PIC Webinarp4
There is free and abundant WiFi on the campus Please turn all cell phones silent Need to stick to time limits 2 special “rump” sessions Peter Winzer (Bell Labs); Monday around 4pm Russ Pina (MOSIS): Tuesday around 5pm Memory sticks with close to all training material Monday 4:30pm is S/W installation Rental computers (in so far reserved) will be brought in Need to look at dinner arrangements Form small clusters of interest A Few More Points Before We Start… 15-sep-15p5Lightwave PIC Webinar
Thanks & Enjoy! Erik Pennings C: , P: