Boon or Bane?
Social networking has transformed our lives, culture and how society conducts itself; and changed the way we: Communicate Making of friends and enemies Depth of Relationships Structure of our lives Fundamentals of society
No formalities Add friend request Easy to find friends via friend search function Easy to unfriend No complications
Ease of Communication MSN, Yahoo Messenger Convenient to discuss with many persons at one time Keep in touch with friends Expansion of social circle Decimate important information very quickly
Social capital (refers to the resources accumulated through the relationships among people) positive relationship between SNS use and the maintenance and creation of social capital SC linked to a variety of positive social outcomes, such as better public health, lower crime rates, and more efficient financial markets this important resource has been declining in the U.S. for the past several years, yet increased due to the advent of SNS
SC is seen as a positive effect of interaction among participants in a social network SC allows the SNS uuser to draw on resources from other members of the networks to which he or she belongs access useful information, personal relationships, or the capacity to organize groups employment connections SNS and SC heightens psychological well- being, such as self esteem and satisfaction with life
Relatively cheap avenue for advertising Companies have a larger consumer base Increase your number of contacts Business opportunities Find old friends
Privacy compromised Hackers may steal personal information Identity violated Poor social skills in real life Social problems will arise Unable to express feelings or ideas Poor social cohesion
Anonymous Users Pedophiles will take advantage of the naivety of youth Addiction Cannot focus on daily life or priorities Time Consuming
Social capital are merely weak ties loose connections between individuals who may provide useful information or new perspectives for one No emotional support Dawn of utilitarian and transactional relationships