Program Review: Philosophy Major Programs engage in planning and review best when they organize these activities themselves. WASC & Program Review Timelines Review as Research – Faculty as Principal Investigators – –Develop Measurable Program Goals & Objectives » » – –Build Curriculum Matrix – –Identify (Objective,Course) Pairings of Interest – –Collect Data » »Primary - Direct Embedded Evidence: Student Writing, Projects, Pre/Post Exams » »Secondary - Indirect Evidence: Alumni Feedback, Satisfaction Surveys, Interviews – –Philosophy Faculty Analyze Primary Data – –Program Planning and Review ReportProgram Planning and Review Report – –Report To University Planning Committee Outside Consultant, Program Retreat
Philosophy Major Goals (Ends) Write and speak convincingly about a philosophical problem. Write and speak convincingly about a philosophical problem. Analyze a variety of arguments, to locate their premises, evaluate their validity, and examine their soundness. Analyze a variety of arguments, to locate their premises, evaluate their validity, and examine their soundness. Examine a number of the classical philosophical texts, several times in some instances. Examine a number of the classical philosophical texts, several times in some instances. Study a number of secondary philosophical texts, evaluating the positions presented in those texts. Study a number of secondary philosophical texts, evaluating the positions presented in those texts. Examine a variety of ethical positions, both classical and contemporary, both normative and metaethical. Examine a variety of ethical positions, both classical and contemporary, both normative and metaethical. Examine a number of works of at least one major philosopher (e.g., Plato, Aristotle, Kant). Examine a number of works of at least one major philosopher (e.g., Plato, Aristotle, Kant). Complete and present a report on a semester research project in philosophy. Complete and present a report on a semester research project in philosophy. Become acquainted with a field of study other than philosophy. Become acquainted with a field of study other than philosophy.
Philosophy Major Objectives – Student Learning Outcomes (Means) - 1 Submit term papers in upper-level philosophy courses. Submit term papers in upper-level philosophy courses. Take essay examinations in all philosophy courses. Take essay examinations in all philosophy courses. Complete a senior project in philosophy and present it orally. Complete a senior project in philosophy and present it orally. Participate in class and group discussions of philosophical problems. Participate in class and group discussions of philosophical problems. Study the informal language problems affecting arguments. Study the informal language problems affecting arguments. Study Aristotelian procedures for analyzing arguments. Study Aristotelian procedures for analyzing arguments. Study formal methods for propositional and predicate logic. Study formal methods for propositional and predicate logic. Become familiar with the analysis of philosophical texts in Introduction to Philosophy. Become familiar with the analysis of philosophical texts in Introduction to Philosophy. Further explore Ancient Philosophy. Further explore Ancient Philosophy. Further explore Modern Philosophy. Further explore Modern Philosophy. Study secondary literature related to study of primary texts. Study secondary literature related to study of primary texts.
Philosophy Major Objectives – Student Learning Outcomes (Means) - 2 Study secondary literature for senior project. Study secondary literature for senior project. Analyze Aristotle, Kant, Mill. Analyze Aristotle, Kant, Mill. Explore utilitarianism, deontology, emotivism, virtue ethics. Explore utilitarianism, deontology, emotivism, virtue ethics. Study issues in metaethics, the nature of ethical language, etc. Study issues in metaethics, the nature of ethical language, etc. Examine the Socratic method (for Plato, e.g.). Examine the Socratic method (for Plato, e.g.). Study the Socratic dialogues. Study the Socratic dialogues. Study Plato’s theory of forms as a response to Socrates’ problems. Study Plato’s theory of forms as a response to Socrates’ problems. Study Plato’s critique of Platonic theory of Forms. Study Plato’s critique of Platonic theory of Forms. Complete a semester project in regular consultation with a member of the department. Complete a semester project in regular consultation with a member of the department. Present a project in the associated class. Present a project in the associated class. Complete 20 units of study in a field other than philosophy. Complete 20 units of study in a field other than philosophy.
Philosophy Curriculum Matrix (Introduce, Practice, Master)