GRADEKEEPER Presented by Marden Medina Technology Resource September 23, 2008
What is Gradekeeper? Gradekeeper is an electronic grade management software that mirrors that of a traditional handwritten handwritten gradebook which generally includes the following: 1.Teacher Name 2.Course Name 3.Student Name & HR 4.Assignments & Assessments (& the corresponding grade)
What Can Gradekeeper Do? Gradekeeper allows you to do the following: Compute Student Grades (based on the PHS Mathematics Grading Policy – 70/30) Create Seating Charts Create Attendance Reports Create Student Reports Missing Assignments Attendance Grade
Menu Bar Title Bar Teacher / Class Info Current Date
Student Information (on grade screen) Assignments & Grades Current Average Student Name
Sample Gradekeeper Attendance Report Dates Attendance Totals
Sample Gradekeeper Seating Chart
Foundation of Gradekeeper Gradebook Options:
Student Reports
Class Reports
Hands-On Experience Create your own sample Gradekeeper gradebook………………..
A Few Gradekeeper FAQs ( How can I avoid retyping the same assignment in each section of a class? You can right click (or control click for Mac OS X) in the assignment header for any column to show a list of recent assignments. Choose one of those assignments to fill in that assignment's date, name, category, and points possible. Can I enter a letter grade for a score on an assignment? You can enter letter grades for scores for any assignment. The letter grade you enter will immediately be converted to a numeric score. The percent for the letter grade you entered is averaged with the percent for the next higher letter grade. That percent is multiplied by the points possible on the assignment to determine the score. Can I drop more than one worst score? Gradekeeper does allow you to drop up to 4 worst scores from each category (up to a total of 12). The worst scores will be those that, when dropped, most improve a student's grade within that category. The worst scores are not always the lowest scores.
How to Begin Using Gradekeeper Download Setup File ( Passaic School District Site License Username: Passaic Public Schools Password: Select the “Individual User License” option