Aims for Ourselves
AIMS FOR OURSELVES: What do we have to do to organise excursion and where is the stuff to do it? Reduce impact on other programs. How to get a bus license? Promotion of getting a license as PD. PD in First Aid/Bronze Medallions Streamline Process- linking time of booking buses to time the camps program goes through college council and campus management.
THE PROJECT- WHAT DO WE WANT TO END UP WITH AS A TEAM? Simple Checklist Proformas Itinery Spread sheets FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions) Resource of places to go and recommendations. Resources on duty of care and staffing ratios for various outdoor activities.
Outsourcing excursions( a way to deal with duty of care issues) Feedback and debrief forums Evaluation for kids List of kids banned from excursions-communicating that to all staff? or discipline on excursions and after. If information is centralised how do we access it? Inclusion as part of induction process.
THE PROJECT: “Excursions for Dummies ” - A Teacher Resource for the Intranet.
Resource on college intranet and hard copy. Brainstorm of topics to include: Planning On the day Processes Staffing Transportation options Communication Protocols Duty of Care
Financing Equipment Getting it past management Goals-educational relevance Assessments Where to go ideas for short, medium and long excursions. Feedback and adapting for next time.
How to plan an excursion to run during your class time or for a whole day.
SAMPLE PAGE FOR INTRANET Give to management (meet every Thursday) / allow 2 weeks Confirm details are approved from management Confirm details with Daily Organiser Write up permission slips (specify clothing requirement, food requirement, money, time to meet and where / get signature from principle Hand out permission slips to students / set a deadline for return Collect money and forms
SAMPLE PAGE FOR INTRANET One the day Take the roll One copy for the office and one on the urn (indicate the name of the excursion and which class. / If during class time only, just take the roll as usual? Where do students that have not brought money or forms go? Can you contact a parent and get verbal permission? If using school bus / pick up keys and info book. Fill in appropriate details end of day / school bus// fill up the petrol and sweep the bus, putting all rubbish in the bin. Must keep permission slips for up to five years on file!!
Assign small groups to certain staff to check in with two or three times a day Designated meeting places Synchronise watches with kids/mobil phones Collect mobile numbers Must be in groups when moving around unsupervised and have the ability to contact the teacher when, where and how. Ensuring supervision at all times when necessary Have a leader and a whip (some one on the front and someone on the back) People strategically placed SAMPLE PAGE FOR INTRANET
SAMPLE PAGE FOR INTRANET ASSUME KIDS ARE UNFAMILIAR WITH THE ENVIRONMENT Do not give children medication especially if its Panadol or bandaids (could be allergic). Stranger danger, tell kids to beware of people they don’t know. Things don’t always go to plan, be flexible and have a back up plan. Be prepared. Roads ARE dangerous tell kids to use crossing Stay with your class
Appendices As Hyperlinks Suggested activities with destination and rating out of 10 Fieldwork Samples Sample Intineries Excursions for Dummies- COMPLETE LIST Stating The Obvious-COMPLETE LIST Survival Hints On The Day-COMPLETE LIST Planning Excursions.-COMPLETE LIST