Ryan Mayer Development Officer TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY
Internal Support External Support Lessons Learned Updates Since 2014 TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY
Recognize the need on your campus Find your internal champion Get “Buy-In” Speak with students Wants vs. Needs Evaluate possible funding sources TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY
Texas Guaranteed First application was denied Requested feedback, reapplied and received funding 3 Year commitment from TG Allowed us to develop and build Evaluate the program to open up future funding sources TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY
Community Support Denton’s “Breakfast Club” Kohl’s Department Store Wal-Mart Neighborhood Grants Individual Donors Gift Cards Trip to Zoo Home for the Holidays Driver’s Education Classes TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY
Find Your Champion Internal and External If at first you don’t succeed…. Collaborate with other campus groups Evaluate and identify success and failure Talk with other’s who have been successful TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY
Grant Money Doesn’t Last Forever Frontier Program is “Institutionalized” Created “CARE” Position Board of Regent’s Emergency Fund Continue to Find External Support TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY