Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste and Recycle Rewards Update City of Palm Coast
Solid Waste Update 2007 – First Contract with Waste Pro 2012 – Second Contract with Waste Pro with expanded services. Recycle Rewards Program To participate in the Recycle Rewards program residents may register by calling or going to Doorstep Hazardous Waste Pickups By appointment only – call Waste Pro at Certain restrictions apply to types and quantities of waste All materials shall be placed at the front door or garage door (no curbside pick-ups will be allowed) One Saturday each month
Solid Waste Trends
Recycling Trends
Doorstep Hazardous Waste Trends
Congratulations to our most recent quarterly drawing winners! Ralph Ascione Darla Beck Mary Ann Filippi Alice Fusco Donald Reph 4 th Quarter Recycle Rewards