5/05/ Bell ringer Objectives: Recognize relative pronouns Write cohesive paragraphs Directions: To add variety to your writing, you sometimes may wish to use relative pronouns to combine two sentences. Please combine the following sentences using who or that. 1.My grandfather is eighty years old. He lives in Arizona. 2.His aunt has a large dining room. It can seat twelve people. 3.My uncle is paying me to mow his lawn. He lives out west.
Sample introduction paragraph: Good versus evil – which one holds more power? Do you think you know the whole story behind the 1893 World’s Fair held in Chicago? Erik Larson wrote The Devil in the White City to examine the story behind the famous World’s Fair. Although most people know that a fair was held here around Jackson Park, not everyone knows about the serial killer prowling around the city during the fair on a murderous rampage. This text gives its readers the story behind the fair by mixing factual information with stories of horror that read like fiction. I would encourage anyone who wants to know about the dark side of this historic event to read The Devil in the White City.
A hint if you are struggling with topic sentences: Read your thesis statement, and then ask yourself… What are the three main reasons why my thesis statement is true? Those three answers can be built into topic sentences.
Sample body paragraph: To begin with, I think it’s important to know historical information about the city you live in. Being able to host a spectacular fair that proved Chicago as a major city was important to Daniel Burnham, the director of the fair. The author suggests, “The fair was to be Burnham’s redemption, and Chicago’s” (210). This quote suggests that Burnham was trying to prove a lot to the world about his own value as a architect as well the value of Chicago as a city powerful enough to rival other major cities such as London, Paris, and New York. As citizens of Chicago, I think it’s important to know the place Chicago held in the world’s view over one hundred years ago and compare it to how people think of Chicago today.
Possible ways to transition from paragraph to paragraph: First... Second... Third... Generally... Furthermore... Finally In the first place... Next... Lastly In the first place... Pursuing this further... Finally First of all... Additionally... Lastly
Possible transition words to lead into your conclusion: Overall, To conclude, In conclusion, Therefore, To close, Sample conclusion paragraph: To conclude, I would encourage anyone who wants to know about the dark side of the 1893 World’s Fair held in Chicago to read The Devil in the White City. Although some parts of the book were slow, overall, it was a thorough analysis of what took place leading up to and during the fair. In addition, the chapters about Dr. H. H. Holmes and the numerous murders his committed during the fair was captivating. I’m glad I now know the real story behind this historical event.
Peer conference questions 1.Does your peer use clear topic sentences? If not, help him or her make the sentences clearer. 2.Does he/she list the title and author in the intro? 3.Is his/her thesis statement persuasive? 4.After reading the whole essay, which part stands out as the best? What makes is that way? 5. Edit your peer’s essay for the grammar foci listed on p. 1 of your essay organizer.
5/06/ Bell ringer Objectives: Combine sentences using relative pronouns Directions: To add variety to your writing, you sometimes may wish to use relative pronouns to combine two sentences. Please combine the following sentences using who or that. 1.The garden is beginning to sprout. I planted it last week. 2.His uncle is giving me diving lessons. He was a state champion. 3.The manatee is a sea mammal. It lives along the Florida coast.
5/07/ Bell ringer Objectives: Combine sentences using relative pronouns Type final essay drafts Directions: To add variety to your writing, you sometimes may wish to use relative pronouns to combine two sentences. 1.Please write a sentence using who as a relative pronoun. 2.Please write a sentence using that as a relative pronoun. Reminder – essays need to be printed or ed to Ms. Robin by 4pm Friday, 5/09/14. English REACH exam will be Monday, 5/12/14.
5/08/ Bell ringer Objectives: Combine sentences using relative pronouns Type final essay drafts Directions: To add variety to your writing, you sometimes may wish to use relative pronouns to combine two sentences. 1.Andrew Jackson was the seventh U.S. president. He was born in South Carolina. 2.Monetra bought a new backpack. The backpack is hot pink. 3.Last night, I had a hamburger. It was too rare. Reminders – essays need to be printed or ed to Ms. Robin by 4pm Friday, 5/09/14. The rubric which will be used for grading is available on uplifths.org. English REACH exam will be Monday, 5/12/14.