Politics of Food Politics of Food Activities 22 and 23 for David Barboza’s article “If You Pitch It, They Will Eat” English 3 CP
Read the title and the first 4 paragraphs of the essay and consider the following: Based on the title and these early paragraphs, what do you think Barboza is discussing? Who do you think is the intended audience for this piece? What type of argument do you think Barboza is going to make?
Activity 22: Reading for Understanding As we read Barboza’s article, you need to annotate the text. Be sure that you: – note in the margin where your predictions turn out to be true. Note also what surprises you: What didn’t you know? Does he persuade you to accept his point of view? What, specifically? To what extent? – note what each paragraph is saying, what it means, and why it matters. – note whether or not you agree with the arguments and claims being presented.
Activity 23: Considering Structure Go back into the text and draw a line across the page where the introduction ends. Is it after the first paragraph, or are there several introductory paragraphs? Is it in the middle of a paragraph? How do you know that the text has moved on from the introduction? Draw a line across the page where the conclusion begins. Is it the last paragraph, or are there several concluding paragraphs? How do you know that the text has reached the conclusion? Identify / Label the issue or problem about which Barboza is writing.
Identify and label 3 more main arguments from paragraphs 4-52 (a list has been started for you – add 3 more): – Companies are going after children because there is money to be made. – Companies intentionally “hook” young children to get life-long customers. – ________________________________________