My American Dream By Nate Sigears
Sports/ favorite interests My favorite sports would be basketball and football and basketball. My favorite interests are sports and video games, but my future career is definitely not going to be a game designer. My career that I might end up having might end up being something I don’t want probably.
Things I want in the future When I have a have my dream job, I want a Mercedes, and an Escalade. In my not to big, but normal sized housed I am going to have a normal sized flat inch screen TV's in my living room, the guest room, and in my room. In the garage I’m going to have a game room where there is going to be the newest play station and huge speakers and there will also be a flat screen in there as well. I’m going to have a nice computer in again my room, living room, the guest room and the garage.
What is your dream job? My dream job so far hasn’t been decided yet because I haven’t really given it any thought. I’m just going to go to college and see where that takes me. For now I have no idea on what my future career is going to be.
My plan After high school I am certain that I am going to go to a college in Missouri or if not that any college in California. Hopefully I will get in to the college in Missouri. I had gotten a bank account in the third grade. I have saved from then so maybe I will have enough money to pay for the college, if I’m not accepted which I can’t see at all.
Jobs When I’m in college I’m going to get a tiny job. When I am out of college I will try to get a better job so can have my dream accessories and my dream house. Plus I don’t want to have a boring job for the rest of my life so that’s why I will try to get a better job after college. When I have my better job I will be set.
Retirement Finally when I have retired with enough money I will be laying back and relaxing. If I have money I will travel the world. I will do a lot of fun stuff when retired and that is my American dream.