High frequency solenoid valve SX10 Series W Quick connection type Screw mount type L : 45mm H : 37mm W : 9mm L : 46mm H : 31mm W : 9mm
1. Feature 1. Quick OFF response time as 0.4ms (at 50L/min. type) Improve performance of sorter machine. 2. Long life as 5 Billion cycles (at 50L/min. type) Extend maintenance cycle. 3. Many variation available. - Flow rate : 3 types available - - 50L/min., 100L/min., 150L/min. - Coil wattage : 4 types available 80W(600~1,200Hz) , 40W(500~1,000Hz), 10W(250~550Hz), 4W(150~350Hz) Customer can select most efficient solenoid valve. 4. Mounting option : 2 types available - - Quick connection and screw mounting Quick connection makes easy installation and removal. 5. Compact design : 9mm width. It helps customer to design machine more compact.
2. Flow and response time ( Voltage : DC24V , Sup. Pressure : 0.25MPa) Flow (L/min.) Max. operation frequency (Hz) Power consumption (W) Constant energization Response time (ms) ON OFF 50 1,200 80 Note 1 0.5 0.4 1,000 40 0.6 550 10 Note 2 0.9 350 4 OK 1.3 100 650 0.7 300 200 2.7 150 600 0.8 500 250 1.9 1.0 6.0 Note 1 : 80W type and 40W type can be energized continuously when energy saving circuit is prepared . Note 2 : 10W type can be energized 1sec(Max.)
3. Quick mounting type Installation Remove Push valve into manifold Hook this side Remove Push lever Keep holding lever and Lift up valve
4. Continuous energization and coil temperature 1) Continuous energization (without energy saving driver) - - - These option were added due to prevent coil burnout. 2) Coil temperature rising ( Driving condition : DC24V, 0.25MPa, 300Hz) 10W or more type - - - Continuous energization is not possible 4W type - - - - Continuous energization possible 40W type - - - 70 deg. C. 10W type - - - 14 deg. C. 4W type - - - - 5 deg. C. ( ref. Competitor MHJ9 - - - 76 deg. C. )
5. Driving voltage control (example of energy saving circuit) Switching 2 voltage High V to Low V 2) PWM control to reduce holding power consumption High Voltage Power supply (DC24V) Low voltage Power supply (DC8 or 6V) SW1 Solenoid valve SW2 OFF ON Coil voltage DC24V DC8 or 6V High voltage Power supply (DC24V) SW1 Solenoid valve OFF ON Mean voltage DC24V DC8 or 6V
Max. Operating cycle (Hz) 6. How to order S X 1 2 F - A G Lead wire (Grommet) G : 300mm H : 500mm J : 1,000mm Mounting 1: Screw mounting type 2: Quick mounting type Flow and Max operating cycle ( at DC24V, 0.25MPa) Symbol Flow rate (L/min.) Max. Operating cycle (Hz) Power consumption (W) Coil resistance (ohm) A 50 1,200 80 7.2 B 1,000 40 14.4 C 550 10 58 D 350 4 144 E 100 650 F G 300 H 200 J 150 600 K 500 L 250 M Filter ( Sup. Port) Nil : No filter F : With filter
7. Pressure and flow rate 150L type 100L type Flow rate (L/min.) Pressure ( MPa)