Welcome 2 nd Grade Parents Welcome To Ms. Amundsen’s class! Please find your child’s seat and sit there. You can write your child a note on an apple! There are sign ups for conferences by the window and volunteering up front.
A little about me… I grew up in the area, I went to Shelton View Elementary I graduated from the University of Washington Bothell with a bachelors degree and my teaching certification
Daily Schedule
Differentiated instruction Giving each student what they need. The curriculum is structured so that each child is being supported and challenged during a lesson. Foster independence. When they are done they should be in charge of finding ways to challenge themselves.
Writing We are using Benchmark literacy curriculum This year we will write – Personal narratives – Realistic fiction – Informational reports – Persuasive letters – Procedural texts
Spelling Word work- done in class three days a week and the same activity should be practiced at home on those same days. Students will start out working with the same set of words and later on differentiate based on their areas of needed practice.
Reading We are using Benchmark literacy curriculum Students will learn to improve their reading as well as develop their metacognitive skills We will… – Identify main ideas & supporting details – Analyze characters – Identify sequence of events – Summarize – Make inferences – Compare and contrast – Identify cause and effect
Math The math curriculum teaches problem solving using multiple methods; manipulatives, numbers, words, pictures, etc. This year there will be fewer lessons, which will allow for us to explore math thinking more deeply. This year we will learn – Addition and subtraction into the 200s – Measurement and shapes – Time – Money – Story problems - Into to fractions and multiplication A letter will be sent home at the beginning of each unit
Science/Social Studies Cycles Air and water or Balance and motion Butterflies Also… – Rainforests – Bats and owls
Homework math homework on Mondays, Tuesday, Wednesdays, Thursdays word work around three days a week reading, it would be best if students read 20 minutes or more each night
Take Home Folder students will bring home their take home folders each night, it will be for their homework or other forms that need to go home Unload pocket- papers can stay at home Homework pocket- homework to do completed for the next day or papers that need to be seen by parents
Behavior Focus on celebrating each student while building classroom community Conflicts dealt with by student driven solutions Clear expectations
Volunteers Sign ups available tonight Help in the classroom *art preparation * Readers support * Writers workshop Help with parties/field trips * Halloween party * Valentines party * field trip Seattle Children’s theater (in December) * field trip to recycle plant (in June)
Field Trips There will be 5 chaperones for each field trip and I will have a drawing for all those interested. There will be a cost for the transportation and tickets. December 18 th play June- recycle plant
Parties Halloween – Costumes – Games – Crafts Valentine’s Day – Games – Crafts – Valentines
Helping in the library Stephanie Dunnewind is looking for volunteers in the library to help students check out books We have library on Thursdays from 2:10-2:55 If you are interested in volunteering in the library please come speak to me when we are done
Student of the week every student will have a week where we get to know them better – Bring in pictures, things to share – Have visitors at lunch – Learn more about them I have randomly assigned each student a week and have the dates posted. I picked weeks where each student will have a full 5 day week to be the student of the week.
Birthdays -Sing happy birthday -Treats -Treats need to be store bought with the ingredients listed -Please and let me know about treats a head of time -Treats at the end of the day (3:00pm)
Scholastic Book Orders I will send home book orders about 3 times a year If you would like to order online there is a class code -LD77Q
Conferences Signs up are in the back. We will meet about how your student is doing in all academic areas. Together we will set goals for the rest of the year.
Donations There is a wish list in the front of the room if you would like to donate to the class. If you are interested in donating please grab one and send the supplies back to school with your child. Thank you!!
Questions? Have a great night and thanks for coming! It was great to see you all! I will post this Powerpoint on my website if you need access to the slides.