Chinese Contributions to FAIR Hushan Xu Institute of Modern Physics, CAS, Lanzhou
Simple History STEP ONE: –Chinese institutions invited to join FAIR; contributions can be from the price difference (seed money from FAIR); sharing operational budget not mentioned STEP TWO: –concept of the shareholder and threshold (1% of the cost) came out, must be the real in-kind contribution STEP THREE: –operational budget of FAIR and running cost of the FAIR company required, while the use of the facility with privilege of shareholder (uncertain).
Progress EoI signed by Prof. Wenlong ZHAN on June 12, 2007 declaration for 12 M Euro in-kind contribution to FAIR signed by MOST on April 15, 2008 Now: –Legal documents are been dealing by the Foreign Ministry (requested by German government) –Establishing the FAIR China council –Establishing the FAIR China group –Proposal by MOST to State council for official approval of finance of a package with FAIR, XFEL, NUTRINO-Project and China’s involvement in CERN. –Related technical R&Ds are in progress
Problem at Present China has had no experience in the international collaboration, to share the lasting operational budget of a large-scale facility and the running cost of a relevant company, including China’s involvement in CERN and participation in XFEL, Neutrino Source Project and so on. It means a breakthrough for China and must be approved by the government. The Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST) has submitted the proposal and the procedure is likely complicated. Now we look forward to the feedback of the government about the proposal. Operational budget of FAIR & running cost of FAIR company
Possible Distribution Accelerator part: ~10.4 M Euros –Dipoles & vacuum of Super FRS: 1411 k –Kickers & septum magnets of CR & NESR: 8181 k –Power converters of HEBT: 754 k Experimental part: ~1.6 M Euros –CBM: high counting rate RPC –R3B: CsI(Tl) crystals –Panda: PWO crystals –ILIMA: detectors 1% = 12 M Euros
Technical R&Ds The following R&Ds potentially related to FAIR are started: Accelerator part (supported by MOST and GSI): –Super FRS dipole (superconducting one) –Kickers for CR & NESR,… Exp. part (supported by MOST): –Crystals: CsI(Tl) for R3B & EXL, PWO for Panda –Microgap gaseous detectors: high counting rate MRPC for CBM, GEM for TPC readout, MicroMegas for CBM –Prototype TPC –Microstrip Si detector –DIRC detector –Panda trigger prototype
Prototype Super-FRS Dipole Prototype Super-FRS Dipole (Developed at IMP & IPP & IEE, CAS) July 2009: static field tested, filed homogeneity ( ) T better than the required value. October 2009: ramping rate tested, the maximum current ramping rate reached to 3A/s, faster than the design value (2A/s). The actuating current ramping at 3A/s The field distribution across the 400 mm good field region at different field levels
CsI(Tl) Crystals CsI(Tl) Crystals (Developed at Institute of Modern Physics, CAS) Three batches of CsI(Tl) crystals provided to FAIR crystal testing group as required. The performance is acceptable by R3B, EXL collaborations.
PWO Crystals PWO Crystals (Developed at Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, CAS) 25 Samples sent to FAIR crystal testing group for testing as required. Further quality control needed. “Summarizing, the investigated samples indicate a good quality of PWO crystals with respect to light yield, optical transmittance and radiation hardness. Only some samples do not meet the present requirements imposed for the electromagnetic calorimeter of PANDA, which is close to the specifications of PWO-II, which was developed in close collaboration with BTCP in Russia. ” Prof. Rainer Novotny
PANDA trigger & DAQ board PANDA trigger & DAQ board (Developed at Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS) High performance design –ATCA standard –5 FPGA ( 10 CPU ) –8 high speed fiber input –5 intranet connection Software development Functions –Event selection & trigger generation –Data readout & packing Establishing testing environment
TPC prototype TPC prototype (Developed by Tinghua U. & IMP) An alternative for Panda central tracking Resolution of 100 m has been 1T & 10 cm drift distance Readout detector: triple-GEM from CERN size:10 cm 10cm; Drift length: 50 cm Tested by cosmic rays with/without magnet field
Other R&Ds High counting rate RPC –(Tsinghua U. & USTC) Micron-strip Si –( IMP, CAS) MicroMegas detector –(IMP, CAS) RetGEM –(IMP, CAS) Related FEE development –(IMP, CAS)
Our Willing The Chinese scientific community of the related fields are extremely interested in FAIR, not only the technique issues but also the physics behind. More flexible collaboration mode will bring more contributions from China to FAIR.
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