Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together Lesson 15 A Present for Li Ming.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together Lesson 15 A Present for Li Ming

A: What do you want to buy? B: I want to buy a present for Li Ming. A: Let’s go shopping. B: OK. Let’s meet at the shopping center. Pair work

1.Do you often get presents for your birthday? What are they? Think about it! 3. Did you send presents to your friend for his/her birthday? What did you buy for him/her? 2. How do you feel when you get a nice present?

Listen and catch the answers: 1. What is the dialogue talking about? 2. What will Jenny and Brian buy for Li Ming? Shopping in a clothing store. A red jacket.

Read carefully and answer the questions: 1. Where does Li Ming live now? 2. What size is Li Ming? 3. Does the yellow jacket fit? 4. Would Li Ming like the bright green jacket? Why? 5. What’s Li Ming’s favorite color? China. The same size as Brain. No, it doesn’t. Red. No. He hates bright green.

Language notes: 3. try on try on the jacket = try the jacket on 1. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth. 注意:当宾语为代词时,代词必须放在两次中间。如: try it on try them on 2. the same size as 和 …… 一样尺寸 与 …… 大小相同 4. fit sb. 适合某人 e.g. This jacket fits me well. This jacket doesn’t fit me well.

Difficult sentences: I don’t think Li Ming would like that jacket anyway. 我认为无论如何李明也不想要那件夹克。 我认为他不会骑自行车。 I don’t think he can ride bike. I will go home anyway. Anyway he is a good boy. 我无论如何要回家。 不管怎样,他是个好孩子。

根据汉语提示,完成下列句子,每空一词 1. 我想为我的朋友买份生日礼物。 I’m _______ ______ a birthday ________ for my friend. 2. 请试一下这双鞋子。 Please ______ ______ this ______ ____ _______. 3. 这条牛仔裤不合适。还有其它款式吗? This pair of jeans doesn’t ________ me. ______ you _______ any other______? looking for present try on pair of shoes fit Do have styles

4. 我不喜欢这种颜色,但我喜欢这种样式。 I don’t like the ______, ______ I like the ________. 5. 我认为无论如何李明也不会要那件夹克。 I _____ _____ Li Ming would like that jacket _________. colour but style don’t think anyway

First Second Third greet each other talk about the color, size, style the result of the shopping How to shop:

Brainstorm some useful words and expressions: May/Can I help you? What can I do for you? Is there anything I can do for you? I’m looking for sth. for sb. I’d like to buy sth. for sb. Clerk greets people.

Clerk Customer ( 顾客 ) Colour What color do you want? We have other colors. We have … We don’t have any other colours. I like the color very much. I don’t like the color. Do you have any other colors?

Clerk Custom er( 顾客 ) Size What size do you want? What size is your friend? Try it on, please. Does it fit? Is it all right? We have other sizes. I think he’s the same size as Brian. I’d like Size“S”. Can I try it on? It’s too small / big. It doesn’t fit me. It fits me well. Do you have any other sizes?

Clerk Customer ( 顾客 ) Style What style do you want? We have other styles. We don’t have any other styles. It looks nice. I like the style. I don’t like the style. Do you have any other styles?

Brainstorm some useful words and expressions: I’ll buy/get/take/have it. I’ll think about it. I don’t think I’ll take it.

You want to buy something for your mother’s or your father’s birthday. Now you are talking to a clerk about what to buy. Make a dialogue in groups, then act it out.

1.Read the dialogue and play roles with your friends. 2.Make up your own dialogue and write it down. Present it at the front next class.