Have you ever wondered who you look like more, your mother or father? The answer can be found in your genes!
The purpose for this project was to learn more about genes and to figure out why people look the way they do.
1. Get pictures of offspring, their parents, & their grandparents 2. Find out & compare phenotypes of the parents to offspring. 3. Compare grandparents to parents. 4. Compare the children's appearance to grandparents. 5. Record the data on the pedigree.
Does the offspring of two people have more physical characteristics of their mother or their father?
A Gene is a physical unit of heredity. there is about 20,000 or 25,000 genes in the human body. A pedigree is a chart that tells someone all of the possible known phenotypes. Phenotypes are physical traits you inherit from you parents. Genotype is internally coded inheritable information carried by a living organism. Recessive is when you produce little or no phenotype when occurring in heterozygous conditions with contrasting alleles. Dominant is when a genetic trait is considered dominant if it is expressed in a person who has only one copy of that gene.
Camera Pictures of 4 family’s Paper suitable for writing/ making diagrams Pencil
Independent Variable~The family’s being used for experimentation. Dependent Variable~The phenotypes that we are being compared too.
Pedigrees Shaded=black (dominant) Not shaded= Orange (recessive) Carrier= Gray ( carries gene but doesn’t show it) = passed away Male Female Mating
P1 F1 F2
Mrs. Gossage’s family hair color: Brown (black) Blonde (orange)
Eye Color: Brown (dominant)
Nose size: Shaded= broad Not shaded= Narrow
P1 F1 F2
Black brown
Shaded= broad Not shaed= Narrow Gray means person is a carrier of genes
P1 F1 F2
P1 F1 F 2 F3
Mrs. bower
Black =Shaded brown= Not shaded
Mrs. bower
During our experiment, we figured out most of our subjects inherited more phenotypes from their father. Reasons for this is because the mother had more recessive genes than their father.
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Mrs. Morgan Mrs. Scott Ms. Bower Mrs. Gossage Mr. Smith Microsoft PowerPoint.