Communities of Excellence in Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity Prevention (CX 3 ) Store Environment – Safety and Walkability CX 3 CX3 Tier 2 Training FFY 2013
Purpose: To evaluate the safety and walkability in relation to stores in the neighborhood
Walkability Audit –Use Store Environment Walkability Survey –Park two blocks from stores included on list for Food Availability and Marketing Survey –During hours residents would usually shop –Walk both sides of street Use one survey tool to capture both sides –Use main route to store –No need for two block perimeter –Take photos to document walkability
Store Information and Walkability Around Store
Store Environment Walkability Survey –Five rating items per question Multiple check marks are ok Can be subjective –Rating for each question based on what encountered on walk –1 lowest –5 highest –Enter and total questions at bottom For question rating: Good walkability- closer to 0 or 1 Poor walkability- closer to 5
Q1. Did you have room to walk?
Q1. Examples Sidewalk blocked with car Sidewalk blocked with shrubs Sidewalk stopped Photos approved for use by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Sidewalk broken or cracked Photos approved for use by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center Q1. Examples
Q2. Was it easy to cross streets
Road was too wide Traffic signals not enough time to walk Photos approved for use by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center Q2. Examples
Q3. Did drivers behave well? Driver blocker sidewalk Causes pedestrians to have to go into street to pass
Driver turned into people crossing street Photos approved for use by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center Q3. Examples Something else: Driver blocking sidewalk – pedestrians have to go into street to get by
Q4. Was it easy to follow safety rules? Please note: This one is trickier when filling out Only question using Yes/No (Count # of No’s which are negative conditions) N/A
Photos approved for use by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center Q4. Was it easy to follow safety rules? No crosswalks or lights to cross with
Q5. Did you feel safe on your walk? Photos approved for use by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Graffiti on building exterior Q5. Do you feel safe on your walk? Loitering outside of buildings
Panhandling Q5. Do you feel safe on your walk? Unleashed dogs
Q6. Was your walk pleasant? Photos approved for use by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center
Q6. Was your walk pleasant? No grass, flowers, trees
Q6. Was your walk pleasant? Lots of Litter, trash Bad smells or odors No grass, flowers
Remember to wait until you are completely done before rating each question Write in the totals from each question in the box on the bottom right side of survey Add them up for a total (double check your addition) Record ratings and total
CX 3 Team Alyssa Ghirardelli, RD, MPH , Lynn Fuhrman , Betty Sun, MS, RD , Chris Bilbrey, MS, RD, CLE , CX 3 Website: