In the Name of God
Acknowledgement and Appendix A. Shirani
Acknowledgement Whom to ack ? Uniform requirements Style Examples
Acknowledgement & Silent Partners
Acknowledgement Ack significant technical help data, specimens etc. funding reviewers
Acknowledgements “ We wish to thank” - all those who deserve recognition for their contribution but who have not made a significant intellectual contribution and are therefore not included as authors (Colleagues,Institutions, Organizations providing financial help, laboratory and secretarial staff)
Acknowledgement Optional Depending on the study
Uniform Requirements Contributors Listed in Acknowledgments
Uniform Requirements All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an acknowledgments section.
Uniform Requirements Examples : A person who provided purely technical help, Writing assistance Department chair who provided only general support Financial and material support
Uniform Requirements Groups of persons who have contributed materially to the paper but whose contributions do not justify authorship may be listed under a heading such as "clinical investigators" or "participating investigators,"
Uniform Requirements and their function or contribution should be described - for example, "served as scientific advisors,“ "critically reviewed the study proposal," "collected data,“ or "provided and cared for study patients."
Uniform Requirements Because readers may infer their endorsement of the data and conclusions, all persons must give written permission to be acknowledged.
Acknowledgement Page
Acknowledgement Always brief and never flowery !
Example The authors wish to thank Dr. X for invaluable help.
Example This study was supported by a grant from Iran National Research Centre of Medical Sciences.
Example We thank Dr. X for editing the manuscript.
Example We would hereby appreciate the kind efforts of Mr X in the statistical analysis of this study
Example We thank Lone Mortensen, Health Statistics, Danish National Board of Health.
Example We thank chiefly A and B. We also thank C and D.
Example Dr. X would like to thank Dr. Y for his invaluable help.
Example This study was Dr. X’s postgraduate thesis. This study formed part of Dr. X’s postgraduate thesis.
Appendix Content Examples of materials Glossary
Appendix Extra or supplementary materials and technical detail In order not to interrupt the flow of the text
Appendix Non-essential information for understanding of paper But may present information that further clarifies a point without burdening the body of the presentation
Appendix Primary information to a secondary audience Secondary information to a primary audience.
Appendix An optional part Less commonly found in published papers
Appendix Alternatively, it can be published only in the electronic version of the journal.
Examples of materials in appendix Raw data Maps (foldout type especially) Extra photographs Explanations of formulas, either already known ones, or especially if you have “invented” some statistical or other mathematical procedure for data analysis to be continued
Examples of materials in appendix Specialized computer programs for a particular procedure Full generic names of chemicals or compounds that you have referred to in somewhat abbreviated fashion or by some common name in the text of your paper Diagrams of special apparati
That was not an exclusive list !
Figures and tables in appendices Numbered in a separate sequence from those found in body of paper
If more than 1 appendix, Each one identified by a Roman numeral e.g., Appendix I, Appendix II, etc Each one should contain different material
Glossary A special type of appendix
Glossary To define unfamiliar terms for secondary users
Glossary You might have terms in a glossary that you have already defined in the document if the term is used in more than one section in the document and you believe an audience might turn to one of those sections without reading the section where it is defined.
Glossary You might also have a term appearing in the glossary that is also defined in the text, if the glossary definition contains more information than the text definition.
The End