Diploma in Family History The Registry of Deeds
Registry of Deeds, Dublin
Registry of Deeds: memorial books
Registry of Deeds: memorial
1708: why was it set up? Who used it? Why did they use it? When did they use it? Registry of Deeds
The registration system Local deed, signed and witnessed Local copy (“memorial”) with 1 joint witness Sworn before JP Sent to Registry Transcribed into Memorial book Registry of Deeds
Numbers? : 35,000 total 1760s: 135, : 250, s: 500,000 + Seán Murphy, History Ireland, Jan/Feb 2009 Registry of Deeds
Indexes Grantor's name Lands Index Registry of Deeds
Grantors Index
Lands Index
Transactions: Leases Marriage Settlements Mortgages Bills of Discovery Wills Rent Charges Registry of Deeds
But... tontines lands of Glangoole + part of Garryclough in TIP + town an lands of Curragh + Kilnawaragos the farm of Ardnaphahane in LIM + dwelling house in city Limerick wherein C lives A's estate + income in Ireland A is entitled to for a tontine in the name of D to B in trust, £6000 in marriage settlement charge of the estate of E payable of E's death sworn 20 Nov 1790
Microfilm copies Indexes NLI Full sets PRONI & LDS Registry of Deeds
Registry of Deeds Index Project