The Centre for European Studies at The Jagiellonian University
THE CES TEAM Prof. dr hab. Zdzislaw Mach, Director of Studies Karolina Czerska-Shaw, Programme Coordinator Sylwia BorykaAnya Melnyk Ela Baran Robert Siudak
The Programme of Studies CORE: (mandatory) European Civilisation MA Seminar MA thesis KEY: (students take 2) International Financial Markets and Finances in the EU EU Foreign and Security Policy (EuroAtlantic Security/Foreign Policy of the EU) EU Institutions and the Decision Making Process Political and Social History of the 20 th Century CEE Foreign and International Relations in CEE facing CFSP/ESDP + LANGUAGE (Polish, Russian)
Electives European Integration Theory and Practice To Be (or Not To Be) Central European: 20th Century CEE Literature Economy of Central Europe: from Transition to EU Membership Myths and Symbols of European Integration – Western and Eastern European Perspectives Russian Thought on Europe Citizenship, Migration and Multiculturalism in Europe International Development: From Bretton Woods to Lisbon Treaty Introduction to European Jewish Religion, Culture and Society Politics and Government in Post-Communist Russia Religion, Diversity and Toleration in Central and Eastern Europe Europeanisation and Transformation of Collective Identity
Seminars – research areas Culture, identity, society Politics, discourse and media Economics / political economy
Other research areas Foreign and security policy Euroscepticism Heritage, myths, symbols Collective memory Europeanisation & cosmopolitanism Migration European law, human rights law
Past topics “Re-imaging a Nation - The Instrumentalisation of Collective Memory in the Polish Debate on Cultural Diversity” From Visegrád to the Weimar Triangle: Analyzing the Scope of Polish Foreign Policy within the European Union Ukraine Where East Meets West; a public opinion study on the perception of recent events in Ukraine in Poland and Russia Transformation of the values, attitudes and belief system in modern Poland under the influence of the European Union A study of the rise of the Radical Right in Poland: A threat to the EU's eastern success story? Assessment of Protectionist Policies Implemented in Metallurgy in the Years (Examples of the European Union and Russian Federation)
Dissertation Supervision: = CES seminar + Krakow supervisor + Glasgow Advisor
Master / Magister