By: Yolanda Iglesias Hemawatti Persaud Kambria Williams
Is time getting away from you? We only have 24 hours in a day. We spend 8 hours sleeping. 6 hours at school, but if you play sports that’s 2 hours right there. And you only have 8 left. We need to start using those 8 hours wisely.
School… School in a learning environment and should stay that way!!! When in school its best to do these things: Identify your resources: people that will help you when you ask them to like teachers. Use you free time wisely: during study halls instead of hanging out with your friends, use that time to do homework. Take notes: it is very important to take notes in school, notes can be your study guide on homework and tests.
Is school done already? Once its time to go home, you still can do things while waiting for your ride: You can read: there are some teachers that require you to read a variety of books. You can do homework: by doing homework you can have less to do when you get home. One the bus you can do these things as well. But at home it’s a different story, we encourage you to do your homework as soon as you get home so that you can have time for your self even after your done with after school activities.
What am I doing wrong? Mistake 1: falling to manage distractions. Mistake 2: procrastinating to much. Mistake 3: taking on to much. Mistake 4: not setting personal goals. Mistake 5: ineffectively scheduling tasks.
What should I do? To fix the 5 main mistakes you need to do theses things: 1. Minimize your distractions, get away from anything that distracts you. 2. Learn how to say NO, you need to sometimes. 3. Don’t put off tasks that you should focus on, instead do them. 4. Get into the habit of setting personal goals, by setting a goal for yourself you are more likely to do what you set you mind to do. 5. Schedule tasks according to your schedule, don’t schedule something you cant do on the date you scheduled it.
Ending Credits Visual presentation: Yolanda Iglesias Handout: Hemawatti Persaud Assessment: Kambria Williams