Novel Vocabulary
Vocabulary I 1. Verisimilitude – the appearance of being real or true 2. Epistolary – relating to a letter 3. Iniquitous – unjust; evil; wicked 4. Fraternizing – association with, as friends 5. Laconically – using few words
Vocabulary I (continued) 6. Adroitness – skillfulness or cleverness 7. Reptilian – related to or resembling a reptile 8. Automaton – a robot 9. Asphyxiation – death by lack of oxygen (suffocation) 10. Subsiding – sinking, becoming less
Vocabulary II 1. Exonerated – freed; pardoned from blame 2. Exigencies – urgent needs 3. Superlatively – in a way that is superior or surpassing all others 4. Illuminated – lit up; made clear 5. Palpably – tangibly (perceived through the senses)
Vocabulary II (continued) 6. Gimlet – a small tool for boring holes 7. Incriminating – charging with or providing someone’s involvement in a crime 8. Reconnaissance – exploratory survey of an area 9. Apparition – supernatural appearance; ghost 10. Imperceptibly – unable to perceive
Vocabulary III 1. Cronies – longtime, close friends 2. Reproach – to express displeasure with someone because of his/her bad actions 3. Brusquely – short, abrupt, and often harsh way of talking 4. Inert – inability to move or dead 5. Capricious – impulsive, acts without thinking
Vocabulary III (Continued) 6. Pious – holy, good, devoted, faithful 7. Decorous – having good, correct, and proper behavior 8. Rancour – bitter, deeply felt hatred 9. Malicious – being evil and cruel 10. Desultory – random, off-topic, scattered (not logical or expected)
Vocabulary III (Continued) 11. Obliquely – indirect, non straightforward “beating” around the bush. 12.Hypocrisy – the act of pretending to be something one is not 13. Proxy – someone who is authorized to act in place of another 14.Perjury – swearing to tell the truth but lying instead 15. Heliographing – using the sun flashing off a mirror to send a message
Vocabulary IV 1. Recumbent – reclining 2. Momentary – lasting only for a moment 3. Malicious – purposely causing injury or distress 4. Obliquely – indirectly 5. Admonitory – serving as a warning
Vocabulary IV (Continued) 6. Idiosyncrasy – personal oddity, habit, or quirk 7. Abated – put an end to or decreased 8. Ascertained – learned with certainty 9. Perseveringly – persistently (without stopping) 10. Cumbrous – hard to manage due to weight or size
Vocabulary IV (Continued) 11. Bestial – resembling a beast 12. Lassitude – weariness; fatigue 13. Opportune – suitable 14. Paradoxically – in a way that seems contradictory to common sense, yet it is true