Lesson 4 Attendance Progress/questions/homework Warm-up No problems Teaching the alphabet Language village Information-gap activities Language games
Progress, questions, homework 1. Homework each lesson book Sibilla Oskam. 2. No-problem (group work or individual work, phase, material, aims) in English 3. Observation English class and interview 4. Notes 5. Reflection
Homework Schrijf een TPR verhaal van ongeveer 2 minuten over een dagelijkse activiteit en bedenk gebaren hierbij. Het is belangrijk je verhaal mee te nemen naar de les. Lees hoofdstuk 12. Beantwoord de volgende vragen: Hoofdstuk 12 (p.199,200). Bedenk zelf nog twee andere nuttige instructies in het Engels. Geef weer waarom het gebruik van classroom English belangrijk is.
Warm-up Buzz game (counting) Kim’s game (classroom objects)
No problems Anyone?
TPR story ‘a little mouse’ Teacher tells & acts out story Teacher tells & acts out story and pupils do it with her Teacher tells story & pupils do the mime Commands in different order Find right picture Pupils retell the story
Homework Schrijf een TPR verhaal van ongeveer 2 minuten over een dagelijkse activiteit en bedenk gebaren hierbij. Het is belangrijk je verhaal mee te nemen naar de les. How did you do it?
Teaching the alphabet The alphabet: come up with examples of activities for the different phases. 1. Introduction 2. Input 3. Output 4. Transfer
The alphabet: introduction Discuss: when do you need to spell words? Ask groups to read examples they already know. A: The A-team B: BBC C: BBC, CU D: D-day, DJ E:
The alphabet: input Teacher reads the letters*. Teacher sings a song Pupils listen to a CD. Bingo* Teacher spells words (name of husband etc).
The alphabet: output Choral work Pupils sings along (only girls/only boys, loud/quietly). Pupils spell words given by teacher (in class, in small groups, in pairs) Hangman
The alphabet: transfer Spelling bee Historically the word bee has been used to describe a get-together where a specific action is being carried out, like a husking bee, a quilting bee, or an apple bee.bee Role play
Language village What is it?
Taaldorp/language village At the town hall, in the street, at the sports centre, at the tourist information centre, at school, in the hospital etc. (example) (example) Time-out zone Way to practise and evaluate various dialogues. Communication is most important
Making a dialogue card Let’s talk: you start 1 …… 3 …… 5 …… Let’s talk: your partner starts
Dialogue card Language function: asking the way 1.Excuse me. Can I ask you a question? 3. Could you tell me the quickest way to the station? 5. So the second street on the right? 7. Thank you very much Of course you can. 4. Yes, go straight on and then take the second street on the right. 6. Yes, you’ll see the railway station on your left. 8. You’re welcome
Games What are the people in the picture doing?
Games What are the people in the picture doing? Game: 1. Specific number 2. Time limit 3. Playing against other groups
Language games Who is the murderer?
Info. A person’s name fromoccupationweekendsfilms 1. Jilldoctorromance 2.professorgo fishing Info. B Person’s name fromoccupationweekendsfilms 1.toledorelax at home 2. JasonColumbushorrors Information gap activities
Spot the difference Who is it? (2x) I am thinking of… Cinderella game Would you like to come to my party? Giving directions Guess the word
Game: would you like to come to my party? Would you like to come to my party? When is it? It’s on Wednesday afternoon OK, I’ll be there. // I’m sorry, I can’t come.
Diary afternoonevening Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Language games & activities Buzz game. Counting Don’t say 6, 16 etc but say buzz Mind, don’t get caught! Students are not allowed to say yes or no or to nod. Ask questions: Are you from Holland etc.? Play in groups or in pairs. Word whisper