New Beginnings 2015 Florida Standards: Secondary ELA Anjanette McGregor August 11, 2015 Tavares Middle School
Lake County Schools Vision StatementVision Statement A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace. Mission StatementMission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. We Believe: Education is the foundation for everyone’s future. Education is a lifelong process. All students can learn. Students should be civic-minded and embrace future roles in the community. Parents/guardians, community, and schools are partners in a student’s education. Providing a safe, resource-filled learning environment is essential. Students will graduate prepared for work and postsecondary education.
I DO Provide the purpose and rationale for development of the new curriculum documents WE DO Explore the critical elements of the Scope & Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints YOU DO Collaboratively interact to deepen knowledge of the Language Arts Florida Standards, and grade level unit clusters August 11, 2015 Learning Goal: Objective: NEXT STEPS: Benchmarks: Chunking Content into Digestible Bites and Goal Setting How will the curriculum documents enhance the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21 st century success? Sum-It-Up Essential Question: Common Language: DOK LAFS Unit Overview Common Performance Task Priority Texts/Sample Assignments/Mine-Tasks Unit Blueprint Scope & Sequence Cluster of Standards Domain 1: Classroom Strategies and Behaviors Domain 2: Planning and Preparing Domain 3: Reflecting on Teaching Teachers will plan for effective implementation of the Language Arts Florida Standards by gaining a deeper understanding of the ELA FSA, Scope & Sequence and Curriculum Blueprints. Teachers will comprehend the FSA ELA components as well as the ELA curriculum documents and be ready to plan effectively for the Language Arts Florida Standards. Study Units 1 and 2 Blueprints to develop a plan for initiating on-going professional learning with the curriculum documents.
Learning Goal & Scale Score 4.0 In addition to a score 3.5 performance, participant can achieve criteria of applying, enhanced understanding, implementation, monitoring, and execution of take-aways. 3.5 In addition to score 3.0 performance, in-depth inferences and applications with partial success. Score 3.0 The participant, without major errors or omissions, will understand and/or be able to: Demonstrate consistent understanding and implement steps taken away along with monitoring components for effective execution. 2.5No major errors or omissions regarding 2.0 content and partial knowledge of the 3.0 content Score 2.0 Participant is able to avoid major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes. The participant will be able to: Moderate understanding and implementation of steps taken away. 1.5 Partial knowledge of the score 2.0 content, but major errors or omissions regarding score 3.0 content Score 1.0 With help, the participant demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes. The participant has little understanding and demonstrates an inconsistent implementation of steps taken away. 0.5With help, a partial understanding of the score 1.0 content, but not the score of 0 content Score 0 No understanding or implementation steps taken away.
Shifting Gears: A Little R & R Strategy How extensive is your knowledge of the Language Arts Florida Standards? How extensive is your knowledge of the ELA Florida Standards Assessments? What could be an obstacle for you in the coming year as you teach these standards? Response & Reason Strategy: Give a response, and a reason for that response Think-Write Pair-Share
Backwards Design in a Nutshell Identify desired results. Clarity and priorities Determine acceptable evidence. Consider up front how students will show if they have attained the desired understandings Plan learning experiences and instruction. How do we best get everyone equipped?
Phase 3 How? (PLC Flow) Phase 2 What? (The Documents) Phase 1 Why? (Rationale) The demand on a student. What they will need to know and be able to do?
The Writing Component Sample Stimulus (Text Set) Prompt Again, compared to the way kids have been assessed in writing, what are major differences?
The Writing Component: What do we know? Yes, writing full essay. Yes, computer-based. Yes, two possible genres. Yes, writing after analyzing a prompt and text set.
The Reading, Language, & Listening Component Multiple Choice Stimulus (Text)
The Reading, Language, & Listening Component Multiple Choice Stimulus (Text) Hot Text
The Reading, Language, & Listening Component Two Part Hot Text
The Reading, Language, & Listening Component Multi-Select How do we demand that our students provide evidence to support their understandings, yet keep them from giving up?
The Reading, Language, & Listening Component Open Response
Implications for the ELA Documents Integrated reading and writing Clusters of standards and Recursive standards Complex Text with scaffold approach Backward design WHY
Understanding the Documents The Scope & Sequence The Blueprints
The Scope & Sequence: Home Plate The Scope and Sequence is a one page document that incorporates five distinct sections.
The Scope & Sequence: Home Plate Go to Click on Departments & Programs Click on Curriculum & Instruction Click on Reading/Language Arts Click on Secondary ELA Scope and Sequence & Curriculum Blueprints Click on High School
The Scope & Sequence The Year-Unit by Unit
Provides scope and sequence and order of instruction Serves as a focus calendar for this baseline year The Year: Unit by Unit
On the blank blueprint template, see if you can define or summarize each section of the blueprint before we explore each section.
The Blueprint: Unit Overview What does this section do for you as a teacher? How could it help an administrator?
The Blueprint: Common Performance Task Backward Design: When taken in context with the cluster of standards for the unit, the Common Performance Task is a culmination of the unit, and cognitively complex. Hyper-link to FSA Rubric
The Blueprint: Learning Goals and E.Q.’s Learning Goals already written for the unit can be used as is. Hyper-link to corresponding Marzano Learning Scales. Essential Questions ready to go.
The Blueprint: Cluster of Focus Standards
The Blueprint: Standards “One-Pagers” Reading/Speaking & Listening, and Language Standards have vertical progression and deconstruction. How can the one-pagers will be used in your planning?
The Blueprint: Priority Texts
The Blueprint: Sample Assignments Not a mini-task Scaffolds towards the Common Performance Task A Sample Assignment is…
A cluster of standards embedded in one task. The “Assignment”
Step 3: How will we know when they have learned it?
Summarizing Our Learning What are the two most important aspects a teacher needs to master to make sense of a unit? How do these documents support you in creating engaging learning experiences? What important steps must you do once you are comfortable with a unit blueprint?
Learning Goal & Scale Score 4.0 In addition to score 3.5 performance, participant can achieve criteria of applying, enhanced understanding, implementation, monitoring, and execution of take-aways. 3.5 In addition to score 3.0 performance, in-depth inferences and applications with partial success. Score 3.0 The participant, without major errors or omissions, will understand and/or be able to: Demonstrate consistent understanding and implement steps taken away along with monitoring components for effective execution. 2.5No major errors or omissions regarding 2.0 content and partial knowledge of the 3.0 content Score 2.0 Participant is able to avoid major errors or omissions regarding the simpler details and processes. The participant will be able to: Moderate understanding and implementation of steps taken away. 1.5 Partial knowledge of the score 2.0 content, but major errors or omissions regarding score 3.0 content Score 1.0 With help, the participant demonstrates a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes. The participant has little understanding and demonstrates an inconsistent implementation of steps taken away. 0.5With help, a partial understanding of the score 2.0 content, but not the score of 3.0 content Score 0 No understanding or implementation steps taken away.