1 Continuous Improvement through Teacher Collaboration Social Science Alternative Education Department April 18, 2012 Tara Strong A Comprehensive System for Increasing ELs’ Academic Achievement
A Look at Learning Storyboard School / District:County:Implementation Stage: We sawWe committed ourselves to pursue goalsWe actedWe achieved and reflected To support and improve EL achievement through all content areas. To address the growth (academic, social/emotional) of long-term ELs. To increase teacher job satisfaction and confidence through increased student success. To promote teacher efficacy through collaboration. Needs Alternative Education Department/SCCOESanta ClaraExploration 2
A Look at Learning Storyboard School / District:County:Implementation Stage: We sawWe committed ourselves to pursue goalsWe actedWe achieved and reflected Increase student engagement in content areas. Increase EL reclassification and CAHSEE passing rate. Expand our strategies and instructional practices. Afford teachers the opportunity to collaborate. Promote opportunities to streamline district efforts that increase student achievement. Desired Outcomes Alternative Education Department/SCCOESanta ClaraExploration 3
A Look at Learning Storyboard School / District:County:Implementation Stage: We sawWe committed ourselves to pursue goalsWe actedWe achieved and reflected Alternative Education Department teachers at the following sites: Osborne (Juvenile Hall) Blue Ridge (Ranch) EDGE Community School Snell Community School Terra Bella Community School Representing juvenile court and community schools in the following subject areas: English Math Social Science Science Participant Identification Alternative Education Department/SCCOESanta Clara Exploration 4
A Look at Learning Storyboard School / District:County:Implementation Stage: We sawWe committed ourselves to pursue goalsWe actedWe achieved and reflected Focus and Approach SDAIE in the content areas Focus Area II Planning: student engagement and oral language production Collaborative Team Alternative Education Department/SCCOESanta ClaraExploration 5
A Look at Learning Storyboard School / District:County:Implementation Stage: We sawWe committed ourselves to pursue goalsWe actedWe achieved and reflected Attended a three-day Training of Trainers Engaged in 30 hours of collaboration Completed one A.L.L. cycle: Plan, Teach, Analyze, Reflect/Act Present at site cluster meetings Action Steps Alternative Education Department/SCCOESanta ClaraExploration 6
A Look at Learning Storyboard School / District:County:Implementation Stage: We sawWe committed ourselves to pursue goalsWe actedWe achieved and reflected Increased oral language production Increased student’s awareness about performance and lesson objectives Integrated oral language practice with writing tasks Results Alternative Education Department/SCCOESanta ClaraExploration 7
A Look at Learning Storyboard School / District:County:Implementation Stage: We sawWe committed ourselves to pursue goalsWe actedWe achieved and reflected Lessons Learned Increased alignment between lesson objectives and student work Increased emphasis on teaching language structure Increased participating teachers’ awareness of the need and procedures for structured language practice opportunities Next Steps Allocate time for oral language production using structured academic discussions Provide self-reflection opportunities for students Strategic pairing of students Incorporate rubric as a tool for assessing student learning Continue with the A.L.L. cycle Lessons Learned/ Next Steps Alternative Education Department/SCCOESanta ClaraExploration 8
Content Objective: SWBAT identify economic challenges that existed during the Gilded Age. Language Objective: SWBAT articulate the challenges minorities faced during the Gilded Age using subordinators in their sentence frames. Content and Language Objectives 9
Why do we have economic inequalities? Students shared their responses using the following sentence frame: “I believe we have economic inequalities because (state reason) …. Next, students restated what he/she heard using the following sentence frame. “__________ (student’s name) believes that we have economic inequalities because…( states the reason) Sentence Frames 10
Students articulated the causes of economic inequalities during the planned time for oral production using the sentence frame. Students were provided a word bank. Groups: Women, African Americans, Mexican Americans, or Chinese Exclusion: working, fair treatment, or economic opportunities Students responded to selected text and identified reasons for the economic inequalities using the provided sentence frame: "Because the _________ (Chinese) were excluded from ________________ (economic opportunities), they experienced inequalities.” Structured Opportunities for Oral and Written Language Production 11
Content ABOVE: Scores of 10; graphic organizer is completed using 3 or more challenges, grammatically correct phrases, minimal spelling errors, correct use of key terminology, and descriptive details, and demonstrate understanding of the content objective. AT: Scores of 9-6; graphic organizer is completed with at least 3 valid challenges; demonstrates understanding of key terminology, and an understanding of content knowledge. Below: Scores of 5 and below; has multiple content errors; vague use of key terminology, and doesn’t demonstrate content knowledge. Language ABOVE: Scores of 10; uses all of the target vocabulary in context, use multiple subordinating conjunctions while punctuating properly, and structured sentence frames with written fluency. AT: Scores of 9-6; uses most of the target vocabulary in context, use at least 1 subordinating conjunctions, and structured sentence frames with minor errors. BELOW: Scores of 5 and below; use some of the target vocabulary out of context, misuse subordinating conjunctions, and write their structured sentences with multiple errors. Rubrics 12