IPSN 2012 Yu Wang, Rui Tan, Guoliang Xing, Jianxun Wang, and Xiaobo Tan NSLab study group 2012/07/02 Reporter: Yuting 1
Introduction System Model Movement Scheduling Evaluation Conclusion 2
Goal ◦ Detect and monitor aquatic environments ◦ Diffusion profile: Concentration contour maps Elapsed time of diffusion Total amount of discharged substance Location of original source Movement Scheduling ◦ Improve the profiling accuracy ◦ Constraints on sensor mobility and energy budget 3
System Model ◦ Diffusion Process ◦ MLE-based Diffusion Profiling ◦ Profiling Accuracy Metric ◦ Two scheduling algorithm Experiments ◦ Validation of the diffusion model ◦ Evaluation by real data traces (on telosB) simulation using MATLAB ◦ Impact of several factors on profiling accuracy 4
Introduction System Model Movement Scheduling Evaluation Conclusion 5
Fickian diffusion-advection model: ◦ t: time elapsed since the discharge of substance ◦ c: substance concentration ◦ D: diffusion coefficient Characterize speed of diffusion, depend on (1) species of solvent (2) discharge substance (3) environment factors (ex: temperature) ◦ u: advection speed Usually Dx=Dy, and Dz can be omitted 6
Assume some initial condition ◦ A total of A cm 3 of substance is discharged at location (x s,y s ) and t=0 t>0: (x 0,y 0 ) = (x s +u x t, y s +u y t) ◦ Distance from any location (x, y) to the source: d = d(x, y) = ◦ Concentration at (x, y): c(d,t) Di ff usion profile Θ = {x 0, y 0,α, β} (β->t, α->A) 7
Can't use Bayesian (need prior probability) Assume constant-speed advection, then reading of sensor i : z i = c(d i, t)+b i +n i ◦ b i : bias ◦ n i : noise ~ N(0, ς 2 ), assume {n i } are independent ◦ Takes K samples in a short time and average them, then z i ~ N( c(d i, t)+b i, σ 2 ), where σ 2 = ς 2 /K => Log-likelihood: 8
A theoretical lower bound on the variance of parameter estimators (Θ here) Inverse of the Fisher information matrix (FIM) J, J =, is taken over all z = CRB(Θ k ) (x i,y i ): coordinates of sensor i 9 L X 1, L Y 1 are 1×N vectors L X 2, L Y 2 are N×1 vectors
Previous works take det(J) as the metric, but it's too problem-dependent This paper use a novel metric based on CRB Larger ω indicates more accurate estimation of x 0 and y 0 ( Can also use CRB(α), CRB(β) ) ω is function of (x 0,y 0 ), (x i,y i ), for all i => use estimated (x 0,y 0 ) instead If sensors are randomly distributed around the diffusion source => ε=0 => 10
Introduction System Model Movement Scheduling Evaluation Conclusion 11
φ i = ∠(∇ i ω) ||∇ i ω||: steepness of the metric ω Proportionally allocate the movement steps according to sensor’s gradient magnitude: Complexity: O(N) 13
SNR-based ◦ Move toward the estimated source location to increase SNR ◦ Complexity: should be O(N) Simulated Annealing ◦ Given movement orientations {φ i |∀i}, uses brutal- force search to find the optimal step allocation ◦ Then search for optimal movement orientations by simulated annealing algorithm ◦ Complexity: exponential with respect to N 15
Introduction System Model Movement Scheduling Evaluation Conclusion 16
The performance of profiling are affected by these errors (GPS, motor) Iterative approach avoid error accumulation ◦ Sensors update their positions and report to cluster head (in each iteration) Average GPS error: 2.29(m) Robotic fish speed: expect 2.5m/min when tail beats at 23° amplitude and 0.9Hz frequency ◦ Error not mentioned in the paper 17
Fig4: Simple clustering method Nodes randomly assigns itself a cluster ID Average of results from all clusters 18
19 12cm from the water surface
Greedy algorithm does not account for the interdependence of sensors in providing the overall profiling accuracy 20
10 sensors, 15 profiling iterations Greedy and radial: curves with and without simulated movement control and localization errors almost overlap => no error accumulation Radial: better than annealing in terms of both time complexity and optimality 21
The variances decrease with increasing A Both the greedy and radial algorithms can achieve a high accuracy 22
(Fig12) δ: source location bias ◦ Diffusion source appears at (δ, 0) ◦ Sensors are not randomly deployed around source 23
(Fig 14) Fix each di and randomly deploy sensors in different quadrant of plane Deployment with max ω is still an open issue 24
Shortest distance path from sensors to cluster head Trace-driven simulations ◦ Nodes transmit packet to the next hop with success p = PRR retrieved from the communication traces ◦ Nodes re-transmit the packet for 10 times before it is dropped until success ◦ Packet to the cluster head includes: sensor ID, current position, measurement ◦ Packet to the sensor includes: moving orientation, distance # of packet (re-)transmissions in an iteration: mean 158, standard deviation 28 (30 sensors are randomly deployed) Delay will be within seconds at most 25
Introduction System Model Movement Scheduling Evaluation Conclusion 26
Strength ◦ Reduce computation and hardware cost ◦ Real hardware implementation of lots of mathematical model Weakness (also their future work) ◦ Cluster head needed ◦ May not work on wavy environments ◦ GPS and Zigbee may not work in deep water ◦ It seems that the system can't be done in real time 27