On The Moon
The Design Process
By the year 2020 NASA plans to guild a lunar outpost capable of housing teams of astronauts for six months or more. But there is a lot to learn before that can happen! Between now and then, NASA will prepare by sending several robotic missions to : Identify good landing sites Measure temperature, light, dust and radiation levels Look for useful resources, such as minerals and ice. Shipping from Earth is over $25,000/ pound Going to the moon with NASA
Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite has a specific mission: Looking for ICE Why ICE? By testing the theory that ancient ice exists in the permanently shadowed craters near the moon’s poles. Since no sunlight reaches the bottom of these deep craters, the dark, frigid conditions are perfect for preserving possible ancient ice deposits. LCROSS Mission
Challenge- modify a paper cup so it can zip down a line and drop a marble onto a target Brainstorm and Design Build Test Evaluate And Redesign NASA Design Challenge ON TARGET