Ramping Up Quickly “Living the Tipping Point” Larry Horvath, San Francisco State University, Natalio Avani, San Francisco State University,
Background Elementary program implementing multiple pilots, taskstream chosen to host PACT TE portfolios 50 video ‘kits’ purchased and packaged for student check out Initial PACT orientation for secondary education faculty The PACT had been put on the front burner, but the fire had been turned to low
July 1, 2008
Secondary Education as of Ju1y 1, 2008 3 Scorers trained (1 science, 2 ELA) No secondary pilot teaching events completed 90 students coming into program required to complete the PACT TE during Spring semester 2009 One secondary PACT coordinator assigned 3 units release time
First steps Natalio – Acountability, taskstream administration, communication with College Dean, budget and resources Larry – Embedded in the process. Methods instructor, supervisor, seminar instructor. Training of scorers and PACT/program/support staff articulation. - Communication a priority
Meeting time Methods (C&I) instructors: content specific pedagogy related to PACT TE tasks Seminar instructors : Task 1, intro to videotaping, taskstream support All Teacher Education faculty w/Kendyll!: All trained to score, programmatic coherence, focus on student success Every department meeting had the PACT as an agenda item - Community!!! Can’t sit this one out - Open lines of communication
Building Capacity and Ownership All training done on site Majority of scoring done in-house Using data to improve practice - Looking forward to