Washington D.C., USA, July 2012www.aids2012.org Sustaining a global platform for action: Knowledge sharing and network development across the Black diaspora Insights from the African and Black Diaspora Global Network on HIV & AIDS Sem Mabuwa Australian Federation for AIDS Organization
Washington D.C., USA, July 2012www.aids2012.org Global adult HIV prevalence
Washington D.C., USA, July 2012www.aids2012.org Proportion of African immigrants among HIV cases in OECD EuroHIV 2009 NCHECR 2010 AIDS NZ 2007 US Surveillance reports (Minnesota, N Dakota, S Dakota, Utah, Virginia, Washington State/Seattle-King County) 10% 22%
Washington D.C., USA, July 2012www.aids2012.org The African/Black Diaspora Global Network WHIWH (Women’s Health in Women’s Hands- Canada) ACCHO (African Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario-Canada) ICAD (Interagency Coalition on AIDS & Development – Canada) BAI (The Black AIDS Institute – USA) ASC (African Services Committee – USA)
Washington D.C., USA, July 2012www.aids2012.org The African/Black Diaspora Global Network AIDES (France) CVC (Caribbean Vulnerable Communities- Jamaica) AHPN (African Health Policy Network –United Kingdom) EATG (European AIDS Treatment Group – Netherlands) AFAO (Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations- Australia)
Washington D.C., USA, July 2012www.aids2012.org Benefits of being a member of ABDGN Attendance at Global meetings to share and learn Sharing of research and activities to inform HIV responses within African populations in Australia Questions and issues raised in other regions will inform research in Australia Best practices emerging from other regions maybe adaptable to the Australian context Our idea of a national network in Australia emerged from the work ABDGN is doing.
Washington D.C., USA, July 2012www.aids2012.org What next for ABD population in Australia for 2014? Positioning of ABDGN at the International AIDS 2014 conference in Australia Locally, positioning and strengthening VAHAN to participate in the 2014 AIDS conference Greater involvement of African Australians in the local and global response to HIV Collaboration And more …
Washington D.C., USA, July 2012www.aids2012.org What next for ABD populations Globally? Global framework Nothing about us without us!
Washington D.C., USA, July 2012www.aids2012.org Acknowledgements Paul Adomako (Project Manager) ABDGN- Canada Dr Chris Lemoh (VAHAN) – Australia Linda Forbes (AFAO) – Australia Jill Sargent (AFAO)- Australia