1 Bandwidth Profile Negotiation over AAA Farid Adrangi, Paul Congdon, Chuck Black, Avi Lior, Farooq Bari draft-adrangi-radius-bandwidth-capability-01.txt IETF #60 August 2004
2 Draft Status / Acknowledgement Version 1 was done based on comments and feedbacks from the list –Open issues are discussed at the end Acknowledgement –Special thanks to Jari Arkko for his extensive comments and help us with Diameter part –Thanks to Stefan Cnodder, David MariBlanca, Parviz Yegani, Gilles Bourdo
3 High-level Summary Goal –Enable home network to specify network bandwidth range (min, max) to be used for an access network client Attribute(s) –Used (by access network) to indicate available network bandwidth. –Used (by home network) to specify the desired network bandwidth rates (min, max) for an access network client –Used for accounting purposes
4 Solution Basics Bandwidth Advertisement (Optional) –Sent in RADIUS Access-Request –Sent in Diameter AAR & DER Bandwidth Selection –Sent in RADIUS Access-Accept –Sent in RADIUS re-authorization –Sent in Diameter RAR Bandwidth Confirmation –Sent in RADIUS Accounting-Request –Sent in Diameter ACR
5 Bandwidth Selection at Initial Session Access-Request NAS Access-Accept Client ( Bandwidth Advertisement) ( Bandwidth Selection) Accounting-Request ( Bandwidth Confirmation) Authentication Phase Begin Authentication Accept RADIUS Server
6 Bandwidth Selection in Mid Session NASRADIUS ServerNASRADIUS Server “Push Model”“Pull Model” Re-Authorization (Bandwidth Selection) Re-Authorization Ack Accounting Stop (Old Bandwidth Parameters) Accounting Start (New Bandwidth Parameters) Re-Authorization (Authorize-Only) Re-Authorization NAK (Error-Cause : Request Initiated) Access-Request (Bandwidth Advertisement) Access-Accept (Bandwidth Selection) Access-Stop Access-Start (Old Bandwidth Parameters) (New Bandwidth Parameters)
7 RADIUS Attributes Format | Type | Length | Value | | Value | Four Attributes: 1) Minimum Peak Ingress Bandwidth (bytes per second) 2) Minimum Peak Egress Bandwidth (bytes per second) 3) Average Maximum Ingress Bandwidth (bytes per second) 4) Average Maximum Egress Bandwidth (bytes per second)
8 Issues Should we use a single attribute for indicating all four bandwidth parameters? Do we need to include other parameters like “burst size”, “profile ID” or “algorithm ID”?
9 Next Steps How should we go forward with draft?