EU The European Union is a trading area. The EU has removed taxes between countries within the EU so that they can trade freely with each other. The European Union is a trading area. The EU has removed taxes between countries within the EU so that they can trade freely with each other. At the end of World War II in 1945, the countries of Europe wanted to avoid another war. At the end of World War II in 1945, the countries of Europe wanted to avoid another war. By joining together more closely, they felt that war would be less likely. Ever since 1958, more countries have become involved and have worked together ever closer in all sorts of areas, including economics, politics, the environment and social issues. By joining together more closely, they felt that war would be less likely. Ever since 1958, more countries have become involved and have worked together ever closer in all sorts of areas, including economics, politics, the environment and social issues.
INSTITUTIONS T The EU is made up of five institutions, they are: 1. European Council 2. European Commission 3. European Parliament 4. Council of the EU 5. Court of Justice
THE INSTITUTIONS: defining European Council: Council meetings take place in Brussels, Belgium. European Council: Council meetings take place in Brussels, Belgium. European Commission: The Commission is also located in Brussels, Belgium. (in the European Commission there are two institutions) European Commission: The Commission is also located in Brussels, Belgium. (in the European Commission there are two institutions) 1.European Parliament: The Parliament is located in Strasbourg, Brussels & Luxembourg. 2. Council of the European Union: Offices in Brussels and Luxembourg. Court of Justice: The Court of Justice is based in Luxembourg. Court of Justice: The Court of Justice is based in Luxembourg.
THE EURO The Euro was set up on 1 January It is the single currency for some members of the EU. The Euro was set up on 1 January It is the single currency for some members of the EU. When people travel to another country in the EU, they don`t have to change money. This makes things cheaper, because banks charge for changing money. When people travel to another country in the EU, they don`t have to change money. This makes things cheaper, because banks charge for changing money. The number of dollars you can buy with your pounds will change everyday. But if everyone in Europe uses the Euro the people who are on holidays know that the price of the Euro isn´t going to change. The number of dollars you can buy with your pounds will change everyday. But if everyone in Europe uses the Euro the people who are on holidays know that the price of the Euro isn´t going to change.
VOCABULARY TRADING: merkataritza. TRADING: merkataritza. TAXES: zergak. TAXES: zergak. AVOID: ekidin. AVOID: ekidin. FREELY: oparo, askatasunez. FREELY: oparo, askatasunez.