Key Issue #3: Why Do States Cooperate with Each Other? Supranationalism – movement of countries to organize for political, economic, military, and/or cultural cooperation to promote shared objectives Devolution – process where regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government Political & Military Cooperation United Nations (UN) Created by Allies after WWII in 1945 1st attempt after WWI – League of Nations (dissolved in 1930s); U.S. never joined even though it was proposed by President Woodrow Wilson 49 states in 1945, now 193 states (includes every internationally recognized state except Vatican City) Maintains strict neutrality; may send peacekeeping forces by requesting forces from members (not authorized to attack) Emphasizes diplomacy Security Council (can veto forces) – rotating members plus permanent members of China, Russia/USSR, France, U.K., & U.S.
Key Issue #3: Why Do States Cooperate with Each Other? Political & Military Cooperation Regional Military Alliances Began because of the 2 superpowers after WWII during Cold War (U.S. & USSR) Balance of power – equal strength between opposing alliances (no single state dominates); usually there were more than 2 superpowers Alliances expanded to shift or restore balance of power U.S. & USSR – allies were a symbol of power for each; wanted to avoid upsetting allies but willing to send troops to maintain allies; established military bases in other countries NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) – began by 14 democratic countries of Western Europe, U.S., and Canada (HQ in Brussels, Belgium); France & Spain are members but do not send troops Warsaw Pact – began by 7 communist Eastern European countries in 1955 to protect against NATO NATO troops greatly reduced after fall of Communism; Warsaw Pact was disbanded Many former Warsaw Pact countries have joined NATO Organization on Security & Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) – 55 members; most of Europe, U.S., Canada, Russia; does not directly command troops
Key Issue #3: Why Do States Cooperate with Each Other? Political & Military Cooperation Other regional organizations Organization of American States (OAS) – 35 states in Western Hemisphere (all except Cuba); promotes social, political, & economic links African Union (AU) – 53 countries in Africa (2001); economic integration; replaced Organization of African Unity British Commonwealth of Nations – UK & 53 former British colonies (including Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, etc.); economic & cultural cooperation Economic Cooperation More than 2 superpowers again since fall of USSR (1991) Key differences pre- to post-Cold War: Most important superpower factors are economic not military (Japan, Germany) Supranational superpower – European Union (EU) is biggest superpower but not a single state
Key Issue #3: Why Do States Cooperate with Each Other? Economic Cooperation EU Formerly European Economic Community (EEC), Common Market, & European Community (EC) Established in 1958 by Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Italy, West Germany (to heal wounds of WWII) Germany not a nation state until 1871 when Frederick the Great of Prussia and Otto von Bismark (chancellor) consolidated many German-speaking areas into one country Lost territory after WWI (to France & Poland; gained East Prussia/Konigsberg/Kaliningrad) but reclaimed land in 1930s with Nazis Territory redrawn after WWII – West Germany (U.S., UK, France) & East Germany (USSR); Berlin also carved into 4 zones (3 west & 1 east); Berlin was completely surrounded by East Germany; Berlin Wall; 2 Germanies from 1949-1990 EU added members in 1973, 1981, 1986, 1995 (Denmark, Ireland, UK, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden) 2004 – former communist countries added (Czech Rep., Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania (also Cyprus joined) 2013 – Croatia joined to bring total membership to 28 Possible future members: Iceland, Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey, Serbia
Key Issue #3: Why Do States Cooperate with Each Other? Economic Cooperation EU Europe is world’s wealthiest market Over 500 million in population (7.3% of world) $18 trillion GDP (20% of world) Main goal – increase development among members through economic cooperation Farm subsidies – money paid to supplement farmers’ incomes Increase free trade – remove barriers such as tariffs, border crossing issues, passport requirements and open new bank branches and introduce a common currency (euro) EU has some shared political & legal cooperation as well Euro used as sole currency in 18 of 28 EU countries as well as non-EU countries such as Kosovo, Montenegro, and several European microstates European Parliament – elected by member states for representation EU headquarters located in Brussels, Belgium
Key Issue #3: Why Do States Cooperate with Each Other? Other Supranational Organizations NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) – U.S. Canada, Mexico (economic, remove barriers to trade) OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) – control oil pricing and supply Caricom (Caribbean Community) - economic & political ACS (Association of Caribbean States) – trade, tourism, transportation, disaster aid Mercosur (Southern Common Market) & Andean Community of Nations (CAN) have been combined as UNASUR (Union of South American Nations) – economic & political Arab League – 22 Arab countries (economic, political, & cultural cooperation) Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) – loose collection of former Soviet states joined for economic and security purposes (also called the Russian Commonwealth) Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – 57 members; “the collective voice of the Muslim world” Council of Europe (CoE) – 47 members; promotes human rights & unity