Autumn School Dynamic MSM16-18 November 2015 | L-Esch-sur-Alzette Slide 1 Elaborating a discrete-time dynamic microsimulation model with LIAM2, an open source development tool Gijs D EKKERS (1) (2) (3) Gaëtan DE M ENTEN (1) Raphaël D ESMET (1) Philippe L IÉGEOIS (3) (1) Federal Planning Bureau, Brussels (2) CESO, K.U.Leuven (3) LISER, Luxembourg
Autumn School Dynamic MSM16-18 November 2015 | L-Esch-sur-Alzette Slide 2 Where are you coming from ?
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration under Grant Agreement No A EUROPEAN SOCIAL SCIENCES RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT
Autumn School Dynamic MSM16-18 November 2015 | L-Esch-sur-Alzette Slide Inclusive Growth Research Infrastructure Diffusion A consortium consisting of 17 partners, coordinated by KU-Leuven February 2013 – January 2017 Objective: integrate and improve existing research infrastructures through 3 types of activities: 18 summer schools & 12 expert workshops 205 visiting grants to data infrastructures Joint research Clustered in 4 themes: Poverty and living conditions Working conditions and vulnerability Social policy analysis Statistical quality management
Autumn School Dynamic MSM16-18 November 2015 | L-Esch-sur-Alzette Slide Transnational access (TNA) Visiting grants to 13 data expertise centres Researchers employed in EU Member States & associated countries 5 – 20 working days Travel reimbursement & subsistence allowance Free-of-charge access to data sets & expertise Call every 4 months A call is now opened (ending Dec 15th !!!) Poverty & living conditions Working conditions & vulnerability Social policy analysis Statistical quality management TÁRKI-POLCAIAS (UvA)SOFI (SU)UNIPI-DEM IECM (CED)HIVA-KU LeuvenCSB (UA)S3RI (SOTON) IRISS-C/I (LISER)CEEISER (UEssex) BIGSSS, CeS & EMPAS (UBremen) LIS
TÁRKI Social Research Institute Inc. (HU) Amsterdam Institute for Advanced labour Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam (NL) The Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholms Universitet (SE) Fachbereich IV, Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistik, Universität Trier (DE) Centre d’Etudis Demogràfics, Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES) Centre d’Etudes de Population, de Pauvreté et de Politiques Socio-Economiques (LU) Centre for Social Policy, Universiteit Antwerpen (BE) Institute for Social & Economic Research, University of Essex (UK) Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences, Universität Bremen (DE) Department of Dynamics of Organisations of Work, Centre d’Etudes de l’Emploi (FR) The Centre for European Policy Studies (BE) Dipartimento di Economica e Menagement, Università di Pisa (IT) Social Statistics Division, University of Southampton (UK) Luxembourg Income Study, asbl (LU) WageIndicator Foundation (NL) School of Social Sciences, The University of Manchester (UK) Partners Co-ordinator Inclusive Growth Research Infrastructure Diffusion Contract No For further information about the InGRID project, please contact p/a HIVA – Research Institute for Work and Society Parkstraat 47 box Leuven Belgium Guy Van Gyes Monique Ramioul InGRID Hope to see you soon at one of our events!
Autumn School Dynamic MSM16-18 November 2015 | L-Esch-sur-Alzette Slide 7 Gijs D EKKERS Gaëtan DE M ENTEN Raphaël D ESMET Philippe L IÉGEOIS
Autumn School Dynamic MSM16-18 November 2015 | L-Esch-sur-Alzette Slide Practical Info for today and next days Reimbursement (travel expenses & accommodation) This evening Breakfasts Lunches (Today and tomorrow, not on Wednesday) Attendance list (to be signed everyday) ENJOY THE SUMMER SCHOOL Title/date