ST Quality WG I. Béjar Alonso Group Leader’s meeting 6th July
Quality Quality refers to the level of agreement between the supplier’s capability and the client’s needs
Who is involved? The attainment of quality in a product is the responsibility of every employee in an organization
Our Quality policy - Improve the quality of our services - Improve the quality of our own operations - Provide confidence requirements for quality are being fulfilled and improved continuously
“Quality circle” Group that meet on a regular basis to identify, investigate, analyze and solve work problems. The Circle presents solutions to management and is involved in implementing them
Document with the existing quality systems in the division Document with the global classification of problems for the division The first two milestones for the QL
Quality linkman - To motivate - To keep things simple but coherent - To communicate with his group - To identify with the section leaders who can solve internally the problems - To work actively for the identification and resolution of common problems
Quality Structure inside groups Quality linkman Takes part of the definitions of the quality policy and system. Communicates the decisions of the WG to the members of his group. Collects the information. Gives feed back to the WG. Section leaders All staff Documentation coordinator
Quality Structure inside groups Quality linkman Section leaders Decides with the linkman which persons have to dedicate a fix part of his time to identify and develop procedures belonging to the group. Motivates the personal to collaborate actively with the linkman. All staff Documentation coordinator
Quality Structure inside groups Quality linkman Section leaders All staff Collaborates actively with the linkman. They are the more important part of the decision- input mechanism. Some of them will be documentation coordinators
Group Leaders Quality Linkmen Section Leaders Staff of the group
Document with the existing documentation system for each group Document with the global structure of the documents for the division The first two milestones for the DC
Coherent documentation system with the possibility to follow the life of the document The final milestone for the DC
Management Leadership and Involvement 4.1 Quality policy (Responsibility and authority, Verification resources) 4.2 Quality system 4.18 Training Quality system support 4.5 Document and data control 4.7 Control of customer supplier product 4.11 Control of inspection, measuring and test equipment 4.16 Control of quality records Process Management and control 4.3 Contract review 4.4 Design control 4.6 Purchasing 4.9 Process control 4.10 Inspection and testing 4.12 Inspection and test status Handling, storage, packaging, preservation and delivery 4.19 Servicing 4.20 Statistical techniques Process and System Improvement 4.13 Control of nonconforming product 4.14 Corrective and preventive actions 4.1 Internal quality audits
Quality policy Quality system procedures Process parameters Testing procedures Inspection instructions Labeling requirements Work instructions for all activities Product and process specifications Records of activities, Proof of audit/corrective action program
KISS Keep It Short and Simple
List Definition List Definition Procedure Template Characteristics
Obsolete Definitions Under Approval Release In Work Life cycle