Leadership Team April 29, 2014 Kickoff
Key Happenings in ACT /IAC Dan Chenok
4 Activities: Small Business Alliance – new strategy for enhancing value Strategy for serving national community through regions 7-S -- recommendations on better managing IT OFPP dialogue on improving Federal Acquisition Proposed project on citizen services and engagement Events MOC -- May Mythbusters – June (Rocky Mtn region) Mobility Apps Fair – July GWAC, OASIS forums – summer SIGs active across the board Professional Development in Full Swing – Partners, Voyagers, Associates (champions starting up)
Setting the Stage for ELC Adrian Gardner & Kathy Cowles
Leadership and Innovation in Radically Changing Times There is an emerging and new collaborative ecosystem that is radically changing how people work and who they work with, resulting in new approaches to how government will carry out its missions in service to constituents. – Federal agencies are striving to spend less on IT than in years past. – Results-based accountability techniques are measuring whether government programs are making an impact. – A new era of computing that includes, mobile, cloud, shared services, and big data is disrupting the traditional models of government and the delivery of mission services. – This begs the question of how agencies will use their limited resources and produce an impact, while managing new and evolving needs. ELC 2014 will explore these issues with integrated approach that will focus on – Leadership – Mission Innovation – Collaboration
Now that we know the theme … how will we make this ELC different and compelling? 0. Embrace the opportunity 1.Create carefully-crafted design challenges 2.Introduce provocative, TED-like talks 3.Infuse design thinking methods
0. Embrace the opportunity
How will we continue the momentum and of innovation, delivery, and protection? How will we use IT as a strategic asset and drive cost savings to pay for new and emerging technologies that will continually improve the way the government does business and delivers services to the American people? As Federal agencies strive to spend less on IT than in years past, how do we continue the innovation pace while moving from efficiency to effectiveness? Results-based accountability techniques are measuring whether government programs are making an impact. Are we getting it right? Culture is important. What techniques are important and what are the most important /effective leadership approaches that are needed? 1. Use carefully-crafted design challenges … to frame problems and opportunities and bring focus to the conference’s activities
GovernmentIndustryProvocateurs Agency heads that rely on technology to deliver against mission – to hear what’s really on the minds of our nation’s highest officials as they think of technology Administration policymakers like the US CIO and US CTO –to consider this range of issues from a whole-of-government perspective CIOs, CAOs, and others – to hear what it’s like in the trenches Technology luminaries – invite some of our nation’s luminaries to muse on the future of technology and what that might mean for ELC attendees Project managers – it is often easy to beat up on contractors in the abstract, but they are human too and face plenty of pressures when trying to deliver a project Rising stars from both government and industry – put the next generation on stage to talk about their hopes and dreams and fears Disrupters from the start-up space – hear from business models like Uber, Airbnb, etc. have used tech to create new business models Alternate worlds – perhaps consider inviting speakers from companies like Disney, Zappos, or even airlines to give alternate perspectives 2. Use provocative, TED-like talks … to get beyond usual suspects and provide fodder for design challenges
3. Infuse design thinking methods … to enable groups to maximize collaboration and produce innovative, actionable ideas HUMAN-CENTERED DESIGN The discipline of developing solutions in the service of people. “Everyone designs who devises courses of actions aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.” HERB SIMON Former Professor, Carnegie Mellon University Computer Scientist, Physiologist, Economist, Author, Nobel Laureate “Everyone designs who devises courses of actions aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.” HERB SIMON Former Professor, Carnegie Mellon University Computer Scientist, Physiologist, Economist, Author, Nobel Laureate
Question - how can public sector organization's leverage citizens during the software and application development life cycle? Co-creation / Ideation? Requirement validation? User Acceptance Testing? Incident management a problem identification? Solution architecture confirmation? Adrian - DESIGN CHALLENGE
OLD PARADIGM 20 TH CENTURY CULTURE OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Project Definition & Direction Research Agenda Concept Development Development Process Don’t question. Deliver! Top down. Execution minded. Ideas & Technology First Then we consider how they apply to people Lot’s of Ideas Divergent thinking. Brainstorming. Suggestion boxes. Rapid Development Linear thinking Spec then build “Don’t show anyone until it’s right!” Failure is bad. Risk Averse Speed to market Problem Framing Make sure we’re solving the right problem. Putting People First Ideas and Technology are inspired by Empathy with customers/stakeholders Valuable Concepts Divergent and Convergent Thinking. Concepts are what we need a lot of. Rapid Iteration & Improvement Agile, Non-linear thinking Experiment “What can we prototype and test?” Fail early, small and often Informed risk taker Speed to market traction NEW PARADIGM 21 st CENTURY CULTURE OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT
MONDAY Program Team Tracks Committee Leads: Industry Chris Niedermayer, BRMI Cedric Sims, EverMay Consulting Kim Hayes, Ambit Government Tim Shaughnessy, DHS Ted Okata, FEMA Professional Development Jim Beaupre
Drives Driving Attendance with an integrated approach to the program
Two Program Tracks Shared Solutions– drivers and barriers to sharing service delivery applications across agency boundaries Citizen Services – administration goals, success stories, (other TBD) Tracks are interrelated when applications are customer facing
Path to Shared Solutions, & Citizen Services Drives Governance
Business argument for consolidating aps with example (i.e., company acquisition and integration) Industry Respected/credible leader Argument on why it is hard to implement this change; barriers that inhibit progress with poignant example Shared Solutions Track Concept Government Financial/Budget argument for consolidating aps with example of cost avoidance/savings CFO, COO, CIO, CPO Program Leader Example Lightning Talk Style Debate facilitated by questions/comments from the audience Participant opinions captured for collaboration track Goal is to show a path to success
Culture CapitalControls Program Management Discussion Areas Processes for encouraging management involvement, stakeholder participation, organizational learning, and stakeholder orientation Process streamlining Service Management/ Responsiveness Standards, procedures, and management approaches that support desired outcomes Requirements setting through to performance management Transparency (cost and performance) Aligning budget to strategic goals and supporting architecture Allocation of human and financial resources to achieve stated outcomes
Service Portability Data Management Migration Technology Discussion Areas Multiple device access (internal/external) Ease of relocating to other service providers Scale Economies (point of abstraction) Configuration versus coding Cutover from legacy solutions Integration with other legacy solutions Cost/value of customization Structuring legacy data sets into interoperable standards Integration with legacy solutions Data sharing with other agencies and the public
Agility Interagency Vehicles Existing Contracts Acquisition Discussion Areas Keeping pace with new innovation Speed of modifying service catalogs Short acquisition cycles Opportunities to modify or exit contracts Orderly transitions of services and data Challenges of replacing traditional services contracts Configuring agency processes to match offerings and SLAs
Citizen Services Track Concept Work with Lisa Schlosser, Scott Bernard to frame the track Use the forum to bring focus to OMB goals Potentially build on ACT-IAC session being developed by Dan Chenok
Program Team Members Recent and Upcoming Milestones Status Project issues, risk, and mitigation Kim Hayes, Ambit Group Ted Okada, CTO FEMA Cedric Sims, Evermay Tim Shaughnessy, Senior Technical Advisor, OCPO, DHS Chris Niedermayer, BRMi (vacant) Mark Forman, TASC WhenWhoWhat 3/6/14TeamBrainstorming Session 4/8/14TeamBrainstorming Session, create abstract for shared solutions 4/16/14Team Brainstorming Session, refine shared solutions topics and potential speaker list 4/30/14Team Reach out to Lisa Schlosser/Scott Bernard on Citizen Services Goals 5/1/14Team Meet with Luma Institute to begin program design discussions 5/16/14TeamSelect Gov’t program team member (technology) 5/25/14 Vet potential Speakers with ELC Planning Committee Shared solutions abstract complete Potential speaker list for shared solutions defined: OMB – Lisa Schlosser, Lesley Field Agency – Elliott Branch, Navy CPO, Alejandro Mayorkas, Deputy Sec, DHS, (agency CIOs) Industry – Mark Forman, Vivek Kundra, (CISCO or Oracle rep) Congressional – budget committee representatives Need to obtain commitment from one additional government leader to serve on the committee – continue the search Citizen services track needs to be fleshed out – meeting with Lisa and/or Scott planned
Collaboration Committee Committee Leads: S usan Becker, VP Services Unisys Corey Nickens, Group Manager, GSA FEDSIM Joyce Hunter, Deputy CIO, Policy and Planning, U.S. Department of Agriculture Andy Lieber, BD Hitachi Consulting
Mission: In response to 2013 attendee feedback about top reasons to attend ELC; provide an open and collaborative workspace and environment where ELC attendees can: –Network and collaborate with other attendees, connect and “power up” (Connection Zone) –Contribute ideas for solving the “design challenges” that underpin the conference. Audience reaction collected, consolidated and reported in real-time (Challenge Zone) –Gather and learn about Government Innovation, and what others are sharing (Innovation Zone) –“Continue the Conversation” from Track Sessions, or Start a new one (Patriot Room)
Progress to Date: Weekly Committee meetings to develop plans Developed survey instrument to understand ACT IAC member sentiment about collaboration, release date TBD Documented initial plan and layout for collaboration space (Colony room A thru D), and ideas for use of the Patriot Room –To be adjusted based on Survey Results, inputs from LUMA, development of design challenges Next Steps: Release Survey, analyze results, adjust plans Meet with LUMA representatives to further refine Collaboration Space planning Determine Williamsburg Lodge furnishing capability Decision on call for Gov’t Innovation presentations
Collaboration Space Williamsburg Lodge Collaboration Space Continue the Conversation
Potential Collaboration Space Set up
Collect Attendee Ideas in Challenge Zone
Backup PCMA Conference Learning Lounge Layout
Tuesday Program Committee Leads: Deirdre Murray, CenturyLink Chris Dorobek, DorobekInsider Keith Trippe, The Trippie Group
OPENING - TED Talk Speaker Jared Cohen, Author, The New Digital Age: Reshaping the Future of People, Nations and Business Daniel Pink, Author, Drive; A Whole New Mind Eric Ries, Author, The Lean Start Up Clay Shirky, Writer, Consultant, Teacher, The Disruptive Power of Collaboration Simon Sinek, Author, Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t Cass Sunstein, Author, Simpler: The Future of Government PANEL - SPEAKERS “Meet the New Federal CIOs” (Dr. David Bray, FCC, et al) Provocateur-led, highly interactive “Smackdown”-style panel format Showcase multi-generations of IT leaders (Wm & Mary student) Showcase IAC Partners, Voyagers PANEL -TOPICS Citizen Engagement – How government services are provided to citizens New models for interacting with citizens, businesses, client relationship management Improving mission delivery through collaboration, crowd sourcing, contests Collaboration, Innovation, Leadership Encourage pre-ELC activity/buzz by posing to conferees “What’s the big idea?” Vote via the mobile app (Double Dutch); award “best of” in the spirit of stimulating new thinking, innovation
Tuesday Program Volunteers TedTalks Open Items
Tuesday Program Next Meeting May 13 th Location is TBD – Downtown preferred Deliverables: Naming Conventions Aligned Learning Objectives Abstracts