S TAGES There are three stages of the exam Prelims Mains Interview Each stage requires different strategy Prelims mains interview
P RELIMS Stage 1 Qualifying Exam only Strategy should be clearing the cutoffs CSAT paper can be helpful for urban candidates to maximize their marks GS paper need widening of scope of knowledge of the candidate
C ONTD ……. For current affairs read newspaper regularly and practice from online-test online-test Time bound practice of CSAT paper is a must to attain maximum marks Join a good test series for practice just before the preliminary exam.
M AINS Stage 2 : Subjective exam As preliminary exam was to test the width of knowledge of a candidate mains exam test the depth of knowledge. Complete change in the perspective from prelims Step ahead from learning mode to analysis mode Candidate should apply the knowledge that
C ONTD …. she acquires during course of her preparation Writing practice is quintessential A broad frame work of all the current happenings should be prepared so as to tackle the questions in exam Students should keep a track of word limit
O PTIONAL Choose an optional carefully as it can be a difference between clearing and not clearing the exam. Watch our for parameters such has syllabus of the chosen subject, candidates interest in the subject and guidance that a candidate can get on the subject. Chose among those optional subject which …
C ONTD … can directly or indirectly help in General Studies as well. Popular optional subjects are Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Anthropology, Law, History, Geography and Political Science.
I NTERVIEW This is the only time candidates get to face the interview panel Student should know about the board and its members. Highlight your key strengths whether its hobbies or some achievements during school/college time
C ONTD … Be confident and honest while facing the board. Daily newspaper reading and a couple of mock interviews would definitely help.