Funding: STEER – INTELLIGENT ENERGY EUROPE (IEE) Grant Agreement IEE/10/290/SI Full title: ECOSTARS Europe Acronym: ECOSTARS Project start date: June 2011 End date: May End of project presentation Final results of European ECOSTARS 20/05/2014 | EASME presentation | Presented by: ECOSTARS Partners
IEE STEER 2010 call 1/6/2011 – 31/5/2014 12 partners Replicating the existing South Yorkshire (UK) free membership scheme for fleet operators – Rates vehicles and fleets using 1*-5* system – Provides guidance for further improvement – Lorries, vans, buses and coaches About ECOSTARS 15 January
1.Develop the ECOSTARS scheme in South Yorkshire and replicate in a further seven case study areas to promote more energy efficient and cleaner road freight movements 2.Promote clean fuel technologies, eco-driving and fuel management techniques in the freight sector 3.Knowledge transfer in fuel efficiency techniques between partners, members and stakeholders ECOSTARS Objectives 15 January
>300 operators; > vehicles Significant growth of scheme concept in UK Handbook for local authorities on implementing their own local scheme Training materials for technical auditors 61,037t CO 2 saved in final year of project Activities & Impacts 15 January
17 schemes now in operation (plus a further 3 beginning soon) – mainly in UK Majority of EC schemes being sustained beyond the project lifetime (at least 5 of 8) Six monthly AGM forum for scheme managers will act as continued decision making body led by Barnsley Sustainability of action 15 January
Heavy promotion of concept and local champions – Targeted the Air Quality sector as well as transport: had greater success here – Direct meetings with interested authorities whenever possible – gave more tangible progress Annual ‘business plans’ for each scheme through project – review/modify/plan Actions which fostered a legacy 15 January
From mid project began focusing on legacy planning for each scheme – Highlighted the importance of not leaving existing scheme members ‘hanging’ at the end of the project – Partners who focussed serious attention on finding alternative funding secured some Established a post-project approach to continued working with six-monthly AGM for ECOSTARS scheme managers Actions which fostered a legacy 15 January