1 Enterprise Management Prototype - Overview, Demo, and What’s Next DAAC Quarterly, February 19, 1999 Greg Hunolt, SGT; Haifeng Weng, Frank Kalich TTMC
2 Agenda: Overview and Set up for the Demo The Very Demo Itself Discussion / Feedback
3 Goal of the EM Prototype is to Answer the Following Questions… What is the information about the ongoing operation at the DAACs and other production sites that must be collected and provided to ESDIS that will allow ESDIS to perform its monitoring and coordination role? How can this information be most effectively presented to ESDIS staff, so that ESDIS can recognize problems, exercise its coordination role as needed, and, as action is taken to resolve problems, monitor their resolution? While the ESDIS enterprise level view would be available to the DAACs, is there a more focused view of production processes and their internal and external dependencies that DAACs should have - a DAAC-as-an- Enterprise View? Once a capability is successfully prototyped in an experimental environment, undertake a Working Prototype to learn how can this capability be most easily and usefully implemented in the real operational environment. Complete the prototype project, report results in FY99.
4 Prototype Approach Develop a straightforward simulation of the distributed operating environment: –Capture the essence of the real environment that poses enterprise level problems: e.g. distributed dependent production, mostly autonomous operating agents, external dependencies. –Avoid complications that are beside the point: e.g. don’t try to reproduce the actual operational environment, don’t get sidetracked into how information is exchanged between sites. Develop and refine enterprise view - figure out appropriate content, how that content should be derived from production site level information, how it should be presented; preserve flexibility to adapt with experience: –Exercise the simulation with enterprise level and multiple production sites participating: run normal operations, and a variety of anomalies / problems that have enterprise level impacts –Iteratively refine enterprise view content and presentation based on experience with simulation. –Develop DAAC-as-Enterprise view using the enterprise view capability Once done in an experimental environment - implement a Working Prototype in operational environment at ESDIS and production site(s).
5 FY99 - Working Prototype Next Chart depicts implementation approach… a Primary Goal is Benefit to Site at Lowest Possible Impact to Site Steps… 1 - Select Sites - based on site interest, potential benefits to site as well as ESDIS, state of site activity. 2 - Develop outline of production processes to be included in scope of Working Prototype. 3 - Site provides description of site’s production management information - e.g. site data base schemas, data dictionaries. 4 - Site provides requirements, ground rules for implementation and test. 5 - Prototype team (SGT, TTMC) develops implementation plan for site and ESDIS approval, addressing site resident collection agent and view s/w, draft test/exercise plan (with schedule within FY99). 6 - Prototype team implements EMP at ESDIS and Site(s). 7 - Exercise of Working Prototype, ESDIS and Site(s) supported by Prototype Team 8 - Prototype Team drafts report capturing Site and ESDIS evaluation and recommendations, report goes to ESDIS after Site and ESDIS approve.
6 Enterprise Management System - Implementation Concept: ESDIS Enterprise and Site View S/W Enterprise Data Base at ESDIS ESDIS “What If” Simulation S/W Site B Production Data Base Site C Agent S/W ESDIS Ingest S/W Site C Production Data Base Site A Production Data Base Site A Agent S/W Site B Agent S/W ESDIS Staff Access Site A Local View S/W Site B local View S/W Site C Local View S/W Site A Staff Access Site B Staff Access Site C Staff Access G. Hunolt, 9/16/98
7 Background Information
8 EMP: Production Environment - Tables and a Clock For each production site, –A table of production processes and their resource requirements and input dependencies –Tables for schedules, queues for processes (standard products, user requests) awaiting execution, queues for inputs waiting to be used, table of processes in progress, completed processes –A finite processing capacity that can be shared among a number of “executing” processes… As the Clock Ticks… Execution of the Simulation Tick by Tick: –Tables are updated representing arrival of inputs, processes starting, progressing, completing –Nominal schedule for standard product generation - each process starts at first tick inputs are available –User requests triggered by conditioned random function –DAAC level view of process by process status, progress against schedules, size of input or process backlogs, etc., is updated. –DAAC able to intervene, to alter priorities, resource allocations, etc., to manage production. –Information in tables are accessible to enterprise view builder (frequency of access variable, we’ve been using three to twenty four hours).
9 EMP: Enterprise View Details needed at DAAC or production site level are not needed, and would swamp, ESDIS at the enterprise level. –Overall performance of product generation vs plan / schedule across the enterprise, emphasis on dependencies, balance of resources between processing, reprocessing, user requests. –Normal operations include fluctuations - when is a fluctuation an enterprise problem? When does a trend indicate an enterprise problem? The enterprise view must facilitate identification of enterprise problems. –Selective ability to drill down from high level to take closer look at problems - and to share that same look with DAAC level to enable effective coordination. Graphical depiction of linked sites highlighting dependencies, displaying status indicators, with drill-down capability, e.g.: –capacity utilization for standard products and user requests –standard product delays, backlog –user request turnaround performance Display trends of site level information –Plots of history of parameters at site or product series level –End of day production reports (tables/graphs) tracking receipt of required inputs, standard product generation, user request processing - production and backlog data.
10 EMP In Action... As the Simulation Executes… “Production site managers” will manage DAAC / production site operation, can look at enterprise view… “ESDIS Enterprise monitor/coordinator” will watch enterprise, on the lookout for trouble… ESDIS and DAAC(s) can interact - look at same view (enterprise view or a drill down from enterprise view) discuss problem and resolution, then DAAC(s) can take action, ESDIS can watch effects. Anomalies / Problems can be introduced, ability of ESDIS and DAAC managers to recognize and respond tested, e.g.: –breakdowns in production dependency chains due to delays in input arrivals, interruptions/failures in production processes –wave of user requests that creates capacity contention –effects of reduction in available capacity at a site(s) (effect of hardware failure) –interruptions, constrictions in communications links –delay or interruption in ancillary data flow
11 EM Prototype Implementation Notes Basic structure is simulation engine “server” updating data base tables describing the state of the distributed production environment (custom process software and COTS DBMS), accessible from, controlled by Site Level and Enterprise Level “client” software. Clients and server can be on same or different platforms, more than one server can be used (e.g. operations vs what-ifs). Prototype uses Hughes (no relation) mSQL 2.0 small relational DBMS with WWW/Java feature supporting access from “any” other platform EMP Software (Java) runs on WIN9x, Mac (? Untested), UNIX workstations. DBMS runs on WIN9x/NT, UNIX Can Run EMP “client” S/W on Mac or WIN9x using “server” data base on UNIX platform (for “view sharing”)
12 Enterprise Management System Configuration Enterprise and Site View S/W Enterprise Data Base Production Level Simulation S/W ESDIS Enterprise and Site View S/W Enterprise Data Base at ESDIS ESDIS Production Level “What If” Simulation S/W Production Site B Data Base Site C Agent S/W ESDIS Ingest S/W Production Site C Data Base Production Site A Data Base Site A Agent S/W Site B Agent S/W “What If” Data Base ESDIS Staff Access Site A, B, C Staff Access Prototype Operational Coordination by Telephone or
Simulation Engine Eview Tool execution, status table updates EMP Database “canned” performance data computation unit gets data through “cheating” (cannot be done in real world) stdutil, usrutil eodbacklog etc…. “canned” computation unit. Additional computation required to produce production reports etc. execution status table stdutil,usrutil, eodbacklog etc.. data ready to be displayed Figure 1 - “Laboratory Model” EMP - Current EMP Computation Approach
Enterprise View DB (ready to display in Eview Tool) Production Data DB (in desired format) Site’s Production Data Database Agent Data Conversion Module Agent Server EV Data Calculation Formulas (Dynamically configurable) EV Data Computation Module Data Conversion Rules (Dynamically configurable) What-if Simulation Engine what-if production data DB what-if enterprise view db Same calculation rules apply What-if Rules (Dynamically configurable) Site View Tool (Java Application) Web Server & Eview Server Internet Web Browser Access to Views (Java Applet) Eview Tool (Java Application) Figure 8 - EMP Working Prototype Configuration DAAC(s) or Other Production Site(s)