ICON-Institute Public Sector1 The project “Pesticide indicators” and the use of PPP’s in the context of the new Regulation on PPPs Riga, July 2007 Transition Facility Statistical Cooperation Programme 2005 LOT 2 – Pesticide Indicators
ICON-Institute Public Sector2 Objectives of the proposal collect comparable data making it possible to calculate harmonised risk indicators speci fi c breakdown and form, and fixed period of time from the end of a reference year as defined in the Annexes of the Regulation.
ICON-Institute Public Sector3 Requirements set to Member States 1.Provision of data on PPP use 2.Provision of data quality report.
ICON-Institute Public Sector4 Requirement 1 Provision of data on PPP use
ICON-Institute Public Sector5 Scope The annual agricultural use amounts of PPPs according to Annex II. The scope of the Thematic Strategy and of Regulation proposal have been limited to PPPs. May be expanded in future for biocides. Statistics need to be detailed up to the level of the active substances.
ICON-Institute Public Sector6 Coverage Statistics shall cover at least 75% of the total quantity of substances placed on the market annually for agricultural use as estimated in the quality report on the 2nd reference year (Section 6 of Annex I) and all substances listed in Annex III (kg) Compilation of the total area cultivated and the 'area of the crop treated' with each substance (ha).
ICON-Institute Public Sector7 Methodology Common rules are based on the "Guidelines for the collection of pesticide usage statistics within agriculture and horticulture" When no official translation exists, the names of substances shall be the English common names published by the British Crop Production Council (BCPC)
ICON-Institute Public Sector8 Data collection surveys, reporting obligations applicable to professional users based on records kept on the use of PPPs, administrative sources, or a combination of these means, including statistical estimation procedures
ICON-Institute Public Sector9 Specific items of importance data collection method: decision to organize surveys through personal visits or telephone/mail interviews. frequency of surveys : annual basis is unrealistic and not always ideal: cf.impact of climatic conditions, crop rotation
ICON-Institute Public Sector10 Specific items of importance (continued) rate of application : cf. area treated and the amounts used area treated : total area receiving the applications, including areas nearby rivers and hedgerows. commercial names of products and conversion to a.s. : cf. prefixes, suffixes.
ICON-Institute Public Sector11 Specific items of importance (continued) other possible variables of interest: name of the varieties, n° of treatments, crop rotation system, dates of sowing and harvest for annual crops link between purchase of PPPs and utilization during the crop season: products may be purchased but not utilized, given to neighbors...
ICON-Institute Public Sector12 Specific items of importance (continued) utilization of qualified enumerators, collaboration between statisticians and PP services, representativeness of data : addressed through sampling design possible sources for identifying target population: lists of units, area frame, use of existing surveys
ICON-Institute Public Sector13 Requirement 2 Provision of data quality report
ICON-Institute Public Sector14 Rules definition of the format and content of the quality reports to be supplied by the Member States: Section 6 of Annex II
ICON-Institute Public Sector15 Content design of the sampling methodology; methodology used to collect data; estimation of the relative importance of the crops covered with regard to the overall amount of PPPs used
ICON-Institute Public Sector16 Content (continued) relevant aspects of quality according to the methodology used to collect data; comparison between data on plant protection products used during the 5-year period and PPPs placed on the market during the 5 corresponding years.
ICON-Institute Public Sector17 Thank you for your attention