The Big Care For Your Little One… By: Chelsea Belt
What is Premature Birth? A premature birth is a birth that takes place more than three weeks before the baby is due, in other words, after less than 37 weeks of pregnancy, which usually lasts about 40 weeks. Late preterm, born between 34 and 37 weeks of pregnancy Very preterm, born at less than 32 weeks of pregnancy Extremely preterm, born at less than 25 weeks of pregnancy Most premature births occur in the late preterm stage.
What is the Cause? Medical RiskLifestyle Risk Recurring bladder or kidney infections UTI, Vaginal infection, and STD Underweight or overweight before pregnancy Clotting disorder Being pregnant with a single fetus in vitro fertilization Short time between pregnancies Little or no prenatal care Smoking Drinking alcohol using illegal drugs Lack of social support High levels of stress Low income Long working hours with long periods of standing.
….The background The age at which they can survive has dropped by about one week for every decade in the past 40 years. The UK did a research called EPICure which showed a percentage of babies whom was born and survived to leave the hospital: born between 22 to 23 weeks 1% born between 23 to 24 weeks 11% born between 24 to 25 weeks 26% born between 25 to 26 weeks 44%
What does the baby go through?
Conclusion I have created a journal where the mother can take notes of how the baby is processing, and it also has some information for them to look back on if they feel they need any help or not sure on what to do.
Sources…. ure-birth/DS ure-birth/DS oc=87 oc=87 birth/prematurelabor.html birth/prematurelabor.html Pictures content/uploads/2011/09/Premature- Baby.jpg content/uploads/2011/09/Premature- Baby.jpg