Effects of temperature on the growth of goldfish (Carassius auratus). Jerry Lee Allen Undergraduate Student (Biology Health Science Concentration) Department of Biology, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN 38505
Project Summary Objective Statement: Different factors control how much a goldfish can grow, and habitat temperature may be one of these factors. I will have two tanks in my experiment. In one tank I will have 5 fish in water which is about 6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the control tank. In the control tank I will have 5 fish in water which is at room temperature (70 Fahrenheit). I will keep the rest of the variables as close as to the same as I can. I will periodically measure the fish and possibly weight them to find the difference in their growth. Over the time period of the rest of the semester I will check them at least once a week or maybe more.
Introduction Temperature (within the range of 20-28oC) and body size influenced growth performance with the highest specific growth rates being obtained at 28oC (Kestemont 1995). Kestemont, P. 1995. Influence of feed supply, temperature and body size on the growth of goldfish Carassius auratus larvae. Aquaculture 136:341-349.
Hypothesis and Null Hypothesis Statement Objective Statement: Different factors control how much a goldfish can grow, and habitat temperature may be one of these factors. Hypothesis Statement: Certain species of fish in the ocean vary in size in accordance to the temperature of their habitat, and goldfish may have this same trait. Null Hypothesis: Temperature does not play a vital role in the growth in goldfish.
Materials Materials: Two tanks of the same size, ten fish and possibly a few extra, water, fish food, a ruler, a heater for the water, a thermometer, and possibly a digital scale. I will measure the fish in each tank with a cm or mm ruler at least once a week or more, and if I can find a good balance or electronic scale then I will weigh them then too. I will add together the lengths and weights of all the fish in each tank and compare them.
Methods I will use a standard t-test to find out if my null hypothesis is true or false. I will then use the data that I accumulated to rectify or nullify my original hypothesis. Data Form
Expected Results I expect the goldfish living in the warmer water to have a little more growth than the ones living in the room temperature water. If goldfish growth is affected by temperature, then other more marketable fish may also have this trait.
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