NOMENCLATOR by Claude MASSIN PEET Workshop Brussels December 2006
ForStichopodidae andHolothuriidae At family level List of the genera and subgenera At generic level List of all the species ever recorded in a genus, with synonymy and present status At specific level References Present status Reference of original description References of subsequent citations under the original name References of subsequent citations under modified combinations References of synonyms
One reference includes: Scientific name, Author(s), Date of publication, Page(s), Plate(s), Figure(s), Distribution map, B/W or colour photo(s) Type locality Geographic distribution Location of type specimen(s) References of the best illustration(s) List of scanned original description
Subsequent citations : selective or exhaustive? We need to take into account papers dealing with: TaxonomyFaunal lists ZoogeographyEcology But not dealing with: AnatomyBiochemistry PhysiologyParasites ReproductionFisheries Pharmacology unless: - they give information on characters allowing to separate species - they give new localities for thezoogeographic distribution. What about grey literature? (Master or PhD Thesis, catalogue of echinoderm collections, technical reports,…)
Language What about the references dealing withA. japonicus,? Most of them are in Russian, Japanese, Chinese and Korean.
Still to be done - Check the work done - Find missing references (more or less 300) - Location of type material - Text and references to be saved in program…. - Definition families, genera, subgenera - Identification key - Synallactidae?