Orange County Sheriff Budget Worksession July 23, 2008
PRESENTATION OUTLINE MATRIX Consulting Group Study Sheriff Budget
PRESENTATION OUTLINE MATRIX Consulting Group Study Sheriff Budget
MATRIX CONSULTING STUDY Study Began Summer 2006 Joint Study –Interviewed Sheriff Staff and BCC Staff –Compared Results with Other Jurisdictions Study Completed February 2007 Presented to BCC February 20, 2007
MATRIX CONSULTING STUDY Recommendations Reorganization from Four Bureaus to Two Bureaus 142 New Personnel –88 Sworn Officers –42 Civilians –12 Court Security Officers
MATRIX CONSULTING STUDY 25 positions approved by BCC on 1/30/07 –12 Court Security Officers per Matrix Study –13 Officers were allocated among the other growth areas: Domestic Violence Division, Criminal Division, Juvenile Justice Center and School Resource Officers 80 Officers FY Positions proposed for FY –8 Sworn Officers –42 Civilian Positions
PRESENTATION OUTLINE MATRIX Consulting Group Study Sheriff Budget
SHERIFF HISTORICAL FUNDING Positions1,9141,9481,9732,0532,103 FY 2005FY 2006FY 2007FY 2008FY 2009 Budget$146.7M$155.9M$167.1M$175.3M$183.9M Change4.2%6.3%7.2%5.5%4.9%
FY Funding Details $183.9M –$8.6M increase or 4.9% over FY 2008 budget –Includes: Annualized salaries for 80 new deputies Additional 50 positions per the Matrix study Overtime Fuel SHERIFF FY BUDGET
FY CIP BUDGET FY Budgeted CIP Expenditures Sheriff Evidence Facility - $105,504 Sheriff Sector II Facility - $5,551,716 –All CIP Funding is Provided by the Law Enforcement Impact Fee Fund
Orange County Sheriff Budget Worksession July 23, 2008