Los Angeles County Sheriff Level of effort to incorporate the N-DEx XSD to participate in testing. Mapped to N-DEx XSD Successfully submitted data for validation Over 1040 man hours committed to N-DEx Current near real-time submissions via CJIS WAN
Los Angeles County Sheriff Started contribution to N-DEx March 2005 Started by mapping LARCIS data element to N-DEx schema Mapped LARCIS data to N-DEx schema version (about 300 elements) Built processes to extract, transform and submit LARCIS data to N-DEx. Successfully submitted approx. 40,000 SOAP* messages (about a month of incident data) to FBI SOAP server) –*Simple Object Access Protocol (see
Los Angeles County Sheriff Cost? –Used an old development server = $0 –Red Hat Linux, Oracle BPEL = $40,700 –One consultant = $72,800 = $113,500
Los Angeles County Sheriff WHY? –N-DEx Bundle Ver1.0.4 has about 300 elements –LARCIS has 130 tables and over 3,000 elements –Finding the right data element to map difficult –Designed a database just for that purpose –Load all the table columns into the database –Mark the column that has no value (reduces count) –Further reduce data elements by ranking the data relevance –Map remaining LARCIS to N-DEx (reasonable time) –Generate the mapping reports from the database
Los Angeles County Sheriff RECOMMENDATIONS –Need a development tool Supports the creation of mapping Convert to XML document Web services (SOAP) –Eases the learning curve –Allows for a faster adoption –We used Oracle BPEL Desinger and Process Manager
Los Angeles County Sheriff RECOMMENDATIONS (cont.) –Dedicated Staff –Knowledge of GJXDM –Starting out mapping with few elements, then build the process to produce the XML document (can be sent via ) –FBI feedback –Repeat the process until you have the complete mapping