F final words By Jeanne Guichard
calf Jeff fed the calf a leaf.
chief The chief stood on top of the cliff to look for the wolf.
cough Jeff took some cough medicine for his cough.
elf The elf was safe on the shelf.
loaf The chef got a whiff of the fresh loaf of bread.
autograph It was tough to get Goofy’s photograph and autograph.
roof The roof was tough and waterproof.
cuff Biff got mustard on his cuff and then on his handkerchief.
giraffe Tiff took a photograph of the giraffe eating a leaf.
golf Jeff hit the golf ball out of the rough.
wolf The wolf will huff and puff.
sheriff The sheriff had enough proof to put the thief in jail for life.
safe Your stuff will be safe in a locked safe.
surf Cliff liked to surf on the rough waves.
chef The chef used a sharp knife to slice the beef.
knife The chef took the knife off of the countertop.
beef His wife bought enough beef for the golf team.
graph Joseph used a graph to show the profits were off by ½.
F The word “muff” ends with the letter “f”. muff
scarf The wife wanted to show off her new scarf.
half Joseph tore the photograph in half.