Bell Ringer – 4/29/2008 1.What did the book Sister Carrie expose to Americans? 2.How did the N.Y. State Tenement Act change city apartment plans? 3.What.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Ringer – 4/29/ What did the book Sister Carrie expose to Americans? 2.How did the N.Y. State Tenement Act change city apartment plans? 3.What did Progressives hope to see in regard to city planning?

Prohibition  Many Progressives called for prohibition – a ban on the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages  Believed prohibition would reduce crime and the breakup of families  Companies encouraged workers not to drink, school textbooks began informing students of the dangers of alcohol

Prohibitionists  The Anti-Saloon League (ASL) and the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) led the crusade against alcohol  Preachers stated saloons were “the parent of crimes & mother of sins”  The U.S. Navy banned alcohol in 1914 (WWI)

18 th Amendment  Eighteenth Amendment – ratified in 1919, it barred the manufacture, sale, and distribution of alcohol  However, the amendment proved unpopular and difficult to enforce. Prohibition increased mob activity through smuggled alcohol  18 th Amendment was repealed in 1933 by the 21 st Amendment

Homework  Read Ch 18, Sn 3 (pgs )  Answer questions 1, 2, & 4a,b,c on page 565  Due Thursday