By Kenny Martinez
The government and the military find ways to make joining seem appealing. Military propaganda has been around for ages. The promises of no student loan debt, and a sense of being a true American make the idea of joining a great idea. What follows is what some teenagers have thought (including myself) about joining the military as a result of military propaganda.
I will get a dog tag and wear it with pride! It is a sign of my acceptance into my new family and a sign of my extreme patriotism.
It will be easy to get in. Everybody does!
I will join the military and after I am done I will go back to my normal life.
I’ll marry the woman of my dreams and although we will face obstacles we will make it!
I will get great benefits. The military will pay for student loans, housing, food, and medical.
I will make my country proud!
What follows is what most people don’t know about the military since it makes joining the military less appealing.
Identity theft is rampant in the military. Soldiers use their social security numbers to identify themselves and there is nothing you can do about it.
According to the Kansas City Star, 4 out of 5 Americans get rejected from the military every year. The number one cause is obesity. About 27% of Americans are too overweight to join the military.
More than 27% of soldiers suffer from depression compared to the 6.7 % of American civilians.
Army wives have a 24% higher rate of depression than non army wives. Army wives are also less likely to get a job due to the fact that they would have to move at sudden notice due to their husbands being stationed elsewhere.
17% of all homeless people in America are war veterans.
Now, do you still want to join?