March 3 AgendaMarch 3 Agenda Learning Target: Be able to explain what causes various types of stellar explosions Question of the day: Once you have your test back, use your book, notes and each other to correctly describe star formation, using terms such as nuclear fusion, protostar, T- tauri star, interstellar cloud, fragmenting, shock waves, temperatures at various important events, what is the cause of each stage and other important pieces. Do this on a full piece of paper. If you draw, all events must be labeled. This will be graded for accuracy.
Vocabulary As always, I expect the terms to be described in detail in your own words. These can be found in the book and in your notes. These are a great study tool to go back to: Today’s Vocabulary: Nova Carbon-detonation supernovae Neutron star
Agenda Finish any Chap 20 notes Card Partner Investigation Meet with your card partner, read the section in the book on your investigation Develop an easy way to teach the rest of the class about your topic—You can use the elmo, white board, butcher paper but make it big enough everyone can read it. You will be graded on how well you get the information across to the class. Feel free to be interactive. It is not necessary to do outside research or create a PowerPoint, but you will need to understand your topic well and be prepared for questions. Presentations should be short but informative, we will hopefully present today or beginning of next class.
Card partner topics and pagesCard partner topics and pages JokersNovasPg AcesViolent death of massive starsPg KingsSupernovaPg QueensSupernova remnantsPg jacksStellar nucleosynthesisPg sCycle of stellar evolutionPg sNeutron starsPg sPulsarsPg sNeutron star binariesPg sGamma ray burstsPg sBlack holesPg sTheory of relativity and black holesPg sSpace travel near black holesPg sObservational Evidence for BHPg
Quiz ON pg. 515 do Multiple Choice 1-5 Answers: 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A