Science fair project By Keagan Felder
Big question Will bottles with less water make a higher pitch sound I think this because more air is in it
Hypothesis I think bottles with less water will have a higher pitch sound I guess this because of a project my sisters did
Fun facts More water makes the pitch lower If the bottles are not the same they have different pitches if you put the same amount of water in a glass the pitch will be the same If you have the same cups with 1 gram less water in 1 then the other it will have a higher pitch sound If you test tubs the amount of water could be more exact
Step by step instructions Buy 5 bottles Buy food coloring Fill each bottle with water Get spoon or wooden stick Use spoon or wooden stick to tap the glass After you tap each glass make a graph to tell how high the pitch is
Variables How much water is in each glass
data When there is more air allowed in something and you hit it has a higher pitch sound. When you have less air in something it has a lower pitch sound. Also that has to do with how much water or other liquid you put in it.
Analysis of data The one with less water made a higher pitch sound
Conclusion Yes my hypothesis was right. I would change the amounts of water I would do this to see if I got higher pitch sounds. I also would change the glasses I used. To see if that would make a difference. The new questions I have are if I used a different shape glass to see if the pitches were different pitch. What if I put the glasses with more water in front when I hit them all at once will it sound different.
references encyclopediainternationalgrolierincorparated New York volume 17 Encyclopideainternatinalgrolierincorparated New York volume 7 Studenthandbook Southwestern company Nashville Tennessee